Daniel J. Burris

The original NSX seems so much better than this, but unless I am mistaken, the NSX was north or 3,000 lbs. That is almost lightweight nowadays, but in '90 that made it a bit of a porker.

What a load of crap.

Oh yeah, that is one sexy car. Not a big fan of the lights, but still gorgeous overall, and what a rear-end.

They JDM front is understated and still pretty. The pimples not so much. Though compared to a lot of modern cars, they aren't all that bad looking.

I dislike the look of the standard Boxster, which is weird, because I think the Cayman is one of the most gorgeous shapes out there. Something about the way the roofline plunges between the fenders. That might be why I think the Boxster Spyder is so much better looking than the regular Boxster. It has a little more

Oh god, that thing looks like the offspring of the Recognizer from Tron and a Pontiac Aztek. Gross, gross, gross. Every time I see those horrible taillights I want to take a bat to them. The central exhaust is nice though. That whole Incan temple on wheels needs to be run through an English Wheel repeatedly.

Even prettier without the wing.

I first heard the legend as an Aviation Ordnanceman from other Ordies, so the JATO part initially passed the "I suppose that COULD happen." smell test.

It's a GC Impreza STi LongWheelBase. They also stretched the motor.

Are we talking coin-op or just arcade racer? Because Test Drive II was on the C64 in the 80's. Otherwise, Outrun. Magical Sound Shower, FTW.

Yeah, except that studies indicate crime tends to go down when restrictions on firearms carry are relaxed. At least here in the US. That "Blood In The Streets" Chicken Little bullshit isn't supported by facts.

Ooh, good counter-example. The SN95s were nicer with the 302 for sure.

You might be able to Auto-X a heavy or high CoG vehicle, but good luck finding a sanctioning body that will allow it. They banned a lot of SUV/commercial vehicles early last decade. I tried to take my 2900 lb Jeep Cherokee autocrossing in San Diego in '02 and was told "No Way."

'08 WRX owners and early GTO owners were saddened by subsequent models of the same generation with higher horsepower. Another possible reason to wait past the first year is the different trim levels that seem to follow.

My '03 Mazda 6 was always one problem short of the four needed for a Lemon Law, but the Computer died the day after we brought it home and didn't work till the third re-flash/replacement, the clutch died at 14k, (Both my wife and I had over a decade driving stick and a Cherokee with 120k on the original clutch,) and

They need to do a lot more with those tailights, I love them. I don't like much about the Charger, but it sure has a nice rear end.

That's not horrible looking, and certainly better than that hideous Caliber.

I think by separate they mainly mean the body will be different, (As in the Rex won't just look like a base model Imp with a hood scoop and a spoiler. As it is, the Legacy, Forester and Impreza are all basically the same underpinning, IIRC.

And gosh, wouldn't that be a shame.

I have no interest in one, but I bet there is quite a market for them. It solves the worst thing about the Miata, (No rear seats,, not even vestigial 911 style ones.)