Daniel J. Burris

While that cartoon is so true, I think Hombre3000 was joking.

And horrendously uncomfortable if you get the stick shift version. The massive center console Mazda insists on putting in these is not as bad as the 1stGen, but it is still way too big. Oh, and the car is hideous from every angle. A shame, because I like Mazda, and I miss my Mazda6.

Almost anything with a back seat is better than a 'vette for me, but if I had to have a Corvette, I'd take the lighter weight Z06.

If they were looking at the Si, I would steer them to a VW GTI/GLI, if they were looking for a commuter, the aforementioned Elantra, as well as the Focus and Fiesta. Or as stated by another anything that says TDI on the back. The Subaru Impreza is another option, but it has been a bit neutered to appeal to a larger

Any car is better than the bus. At least in any of the places I have lived.

I haven't watched his other vids, but you said if you have a sidearm in suburbia, you are scared and have no balls. Cops carry weapons in suburbia, but I don't think either of us thinks they are scared or have no balls. I was pointing out what appeared to be an inconsistency in your reasoning.

I think it is just a simplification of the name Legacy, which was the name of the car before Subaru started using the confusing Outback name to refer to both trim levels and body configuration on two different platforms. Versions of the Impreza hatchback and Legacy wagon have been called Outback, and some have not.

It is a form of political activism for the fucked up laws we have here in California. It is not the way I choose to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights, but it is legitimate political activism.

So cops are scared and have no balls?

I am all for political activism, especially when it comes to 2A:RtKaBA, but you're right that this young Devil Dog needs to have his shit together before he decides to open carry. Props to the Oceanside Police Officer who was completely professional, (But after 22 years in the Corps, he might know a thing or two


I call those stickers "Pedo Menus" since they often have names and occasionally a reference to a sport the child likes. Maybe I am paranoid, but that seems like a dumb thing to advertise.

Why should I blame smokers for something a political entity wants to demonize? Your pirating analogy makes no sense at all, but I don't pirate games, so perhaps I am out of the loop on that one. One may complain about whatever one feels the need to.

That byproduct is unprofessional. If they can't handle the negatives of the job, they should find employment elsewhere. Furthermore, cops who treat every taxpayer like a criminal should be unsurprised when taxpayers characterize cops as assholes.

I'm not a smoker, and I hate that nanny state anti-smoking propaganda. I have to wonder if you ever break the speed limit, BTW.

People have been victimized by just such scams. I don't stop for unmarked units, either.

Sadly, those are no more.

Sadly. I think ProjectCar magazine had the best advice. (That being just buy an auto trans and convert it, as those often have less wear and tear.)

The Impulse had an aggressive fascia when almost no other inexpensive cars of the era did. Love those partially obscured headlamps.

But, that is a pretty one.