
I fully realize there are businesses in equally dire straits. But I cannot think of one sector of business so vulnerable to the rolling clusterfuck of this pandemic than the film business. The dominoes are huge and their fall is a tsunami of economic pain. Filming can employ several thousand people, the studios


Dinesh is the adult form of the high school classmate that leaned into being the unlikeable cunt.

*drops coffee mug*

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing Dinesh D’Souza he had charisma.

That’s real neato. Trans people are murdered at a higher rate than any other vulnerable group, but there’s no time to worry about that now! Someone is using the suffix -phobe incorrectly!* All hands on deck!

Who let this twat out of the greys?

Well that was certainly a lot of words, expressed as is your right, without much to say for themselves. Lots of straw man arguments, misrepresentations and miscontextualizations, and downright fallacies. Well done.

Yes if you went around fat shaming people that would make you fat-phobic. This post is so ignorant I cant tell if you’re purposefully trying to make this bad faith argument or you genuinely dont know better.

Actually look up the definition of “Phobia” in a dictionary. Any dictionary.

Don’t be so fucking stupid.

TBF, a lot of horror movies hinge on central characters being idiots.

Or, hear me out, it’s okay to like things that influenced you as a kid and it’s okay to be bummed out when the author is revealed to be a bigot.

Now playing

i’ve been watching this live show from 1975 throughout the day today, it’s a lot of fun. a lot of playing around with the audience, a lot of vamping (there’s a 9+ minute version of 54-56 in there and a 14 minute Otis Redding cover!). what an incredible frontman, and what a voice

Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!

“In their July conversation, Mr. Fisher recounted disagreements he’d had with the film’s creative team regarding his portrayal of Cyborg, and complained that his suggested script revisions were not adopted...”

Is Jez really doing a story about “how will the short little black lady swim”??? About the most amazing U.S. amateur female athlete? Yikes.

Until proven otherwise, ACAB

I really don’t believe they think it through that deeply. They are just transphobic, don’t see trans people as women or even people, and don’t see any dichotomy at all.

Hope Ezra can pull this off without choking.