Obviously monopolies being broken are good. But...
Obviously monopolies being broken are good. But...
FUNNY YOU MENTION SOMETHING LIKE THAT... Just before pandemic, my brother offered to buy my 10 year old car, allowing me to go shopping for another one! I found a good deal on a slightly-used, fun-but-family-practical vehicle... and brought it home the day the statewide Stay In Place order happened. My brother still…
First full season maybe :(
That’s honestly the only reason I mentioned it. This is a paltry fucking amount of money for a company that has access to significantly more. I’m a long-time beer nerd but I’m not inherently “all big beer is bad!” (In/Bev’s lobbying process is it’s worst crime, even more so than the taste of Bud Light.) But when I…
Smiley says the event brings in $186 annually to the city
This pandemic and our shitty response to it ended three (3!!!) different vacations for me, including an anniversary trip that was planned over the last 2 years.
Devil’s Backbone is owned by AB/InBev. So while this comes off as a folksy, small business thing, there’s the biggest brewing conglomerate on the planet behind it.
Looking at “crime” statistics shows that a vast majority of interaction between police and citizens- even when a literal crime is being reported- are non-violent in nature. But every cop is trained to approach every situation as one that’s potentially violent. That’s a bad fucking idea.
I know the most famous thing in Deep Blue Sea is the SLJ death scene. But every time- literally, EVERY TIME- I make scrambled eggs or omelettes, LL Cool J’s video will he shoots pops into my head:
But racism isn’t bad faith. It’s an ideology. “Bad faith” is an argument you know isn’t true. That’s not what these people are doing. “Blue Lives Matter” is a straight-up racist counter to BLM. It’s based entirely on the idea that a cop’s life is worth more than a black person’s life. That’s not fucking bad faith.…
No, people who say ALM or BlueLM are racists. That’s the likely option.
THAT SAID it’s 2020 and anyone still saying “all lives matter” or (worse) “white lives matter” or (even WORSE) “blue lives matter” in response to “black lives matter” is either an idiot or arguing in bad faith.
Literally the week we went into Shelter In Place, I brought home a used Focus ST. I did that because I drove a brand-ass new Mazda3 five-door with a stick and felt it wasn’t as fun as I wanted (note: I was coming from a GTI). I desperately wanted that car for every other reason. If they had a turbo option, I would…
I think there’s a non-zero chance that was discussed and decided against because- get this!- cops are fucking shitbags, as proven by literally hundreds of videos over the last week.
Lots of cities have civilian oversight committees. Ask Laquan McDonald’s family how the previous version of Chicago’s worked.
But you're still differentiating MLK from Malcolm X as opposites, and more specifically, you're suggesting that MLK wouldn't have supported this type of action which- literally per his own son yesterday- is not true. Malcolm and MLK weren't opposites. We don't need one over the other now. We need both and everyone…
Police unions are discussed a little further down in the thread but the gist is:
If a member of the teachers union killed a student, the union wouldn’t question their arrest. If an auto worker killed someone at work, the UAW wouldn’t be like “Well, let’s not rush to judgement!”
Legitimate use of lethal force for civilians goes through the same process as illegitimate. In almost every case where I would kill someone- especially if it was on fucking film- I would be brought in by the police for questioning and most likely arrest. This response would be swift. And while the law states I am…
I’m a cis-straight white dude so I’m definitely not the person who should be talking about this. I’ve been educated by people of color and I think that’s a better system. Read people of color, folks.