
Yesterday was as frustrated as I think I’ve ever been as a fan of this fucking team. And in the last two decades, I don’t think I’ve seen a defense give up like they appeared to do. Good on ‘em. Don’t kill yourself trying to salvage the shitshow on the other side of the ball.

So let’s talk about how time is a flat circle:

Everyone has their kinks and I’m sure there’s someone getting off on Trubisky overthrowing people.

No snark, but you can fuck off.

There’s been a common response to mass shootings- and school shootings in particular- that these white boys (it’s almost always white boys) don’t deserve the attention they want; that you never see truly marginalized people do these things and therefore these are just spoiled children reacting badly to perceived

Black Santa Claus is available after getting to the championship on Rex Mode. 

The student, meanwhile was sentenced on Thursday to three years of probation and mental health treatment after pleading guilty to felony possession of a firearm in a public building and misdemeanor possession of a loaded firearm in public.”

The Sox had a great 2019 rotation on paper and then they fell apart. Some amount of that is to blame on the balls.

Shit, really? Assuming my GTI can hold up another year, this was my looking to be my next ride. The best combo of price and range out there. Hopefully production catches up to demand by then. 

Hey now... Trubisky’s first two years and Mariota’s first two years are pretty damn similar!

I mean, there’s entire fucking books pointing on this topic. Y’all should read them.

I mean that exactly as I said: it is the purest encapsulation of the medium. I don’t think it’s the best comic book- and Moore himself is kind of a giant fucking hack- but it is a comic book that is about comics in ways no other comic book really is.

Prose in comics doesn’t make it not comics? Also, a lot of that prose was literally ABOUT comics.


I mean...

My wife bought a Q5 a few years ago and while discussing the very nice Allroad in the Chicago showroom, the salesman mentioned that not only do they sell a good chunk of them, the people who buy them do so with cash. That is, Allroad buyers are the kind of people who drop $75k on it with no need for financing that

phase five is kickers, punters, and everyone who didn’t get drafted in first four phases (so maybe Christian Hackenberg?)