People have a difficult time believing the institutions they are loyal to can do bad things. See: the Catholic Church, United States, cops, etc. Loyalty to some means unconditional ethical behavior, even in evidence against it.
People have a difficult time believing the institutions they are loyal to can do bad things. See: the Catholic Church, United States, cops, etc. Loyalty to some means unconditional ethical behavior, even in evidence against it.
He wonders why McQueary remembers the campus as being deserted on the night he says he witnessed the assault (Feb. 9, 2001), even though there was a hockey game and a Barenaked Ladies concert on campus that night.
“Moving the ball well” on two drives is not a thing to be proud of, especially when their first 5 drives of the game went pick six, punt, missed FG, fumble, and INT. When you’re down 28-0- mostly because your offensive line is getting embarrassed by Khalil Mack every play- you’re going to need to do more than just…
Ah, but THOSE scientists are biased due to funding from places that aren’t the fossil fuel industry so can we really trust their results?
Playing the ball off the wall better would have robbed us of this so I’m glad he fucked up that part.
The owner of the bar I frequented at the time swore to me that the 2008 team was by far the best Cubs team he’d ever seen (going back to the 60's). He wasn’t wrong! That rotation was probably the best in baseball that year, and while they had way more all-stars than they deserved, it was a solid line-up top to bottom…
See, and I never saw that neighborhood as having any personality unless you count guys schlepping racist Kosuke Fukudome t-shirts on the corner and drunk assholes in flipflops catcalling women as having “personality.” Good fucking riddance, I say.
Since you’ve been going a while, I’ll give you a bit of a pass. You remember the time when it wasn’t like this. But...
But when Lebron wins, that’s a good thing and I don’t believe such a good thing would create such bad things. The Cubs winning was very, VERY bad and it resulted in quite possibly the worst thing.
2019 will be another baseball season where he won’t cheer for his team win a World Series, despite having cheered for two different teams, each of whom has won a Series in his lifetime!
True story: After the Soriano strike out, my brother- a Cubs fan because our dad was a fucking traitor- quit being a Cubs fan! It turns out you can do this too! You don’t have to cheer for them! I promise!
You forgot 2007 and, even more hilariously, 2008. It’s important to note, as you watch this, that Soriano swung at that on on 0-2 count and that Soriano LOVED swinging at pitches that bad. It was like Broxton knew exactly how to end that game...
I’ve said this a lot on this site in the last almost-3 years but:
The nearly citywide catharsis that lit up the skies in 2016
This has been a beef of mine (not with Jackson specifically) but a lot of commentary by NFL hosts on qbs.... in which a questionable (at best) decision on a nuetral-to-poorly thrown ball....receives a heroic catch from a WR / TE and then it suddenly turns into ‘gutsy / threading it in there’ and ‘ it was placed…
Jay Cutler are him getting picked off by DeAngelo Hall four times versus the Redskins
I think it makes sense that you never watched Jay Cutler play professional quarterback.
You must have loved watching Jay Cutler play!