
Cop here. I’ll chime in. The video itself isn’t helpful, other than proving that Bennett was detained and handcuffed. Unfortunately, we don’t have the video of what lead up to it. We could see if the officer was a complete asshole (certainly possible) or if Bennett is lying (also possible). I don’t know any of the

I’ve noticed that the dickholes who would argue “All he had to do was shut up and cooperate with the cops!!!!” are the same ones who will rant and rave for an hour about the asshole cop who dared to write them a ticket for talking on a cell phone while driving. Not because they WEREN’T on the phone, but because

If only there was a nonviolent way for NFL players to peacefully protest what’s happening to minorities in America in a way that would garner mass media attention.

Let the one who has not gotten drunk and wandered into a stranger’s apartment with no pants cast the first stone.

“But he engaged in criminal behaviour. He needs more than “I’m sorry.””

Dude. He had a little too much to drink and went into the wrong condo. Pay a fine and be on his way. I bet you love full prisons

Is that seriously your take on this?

I really don’t understand all the uproar over this. It’s not like he’s done something truly reprehensible, like sit or kneel when other people are standing.

Rich, man, the good news is that baseball is probably incapable of coming up with another way to hurt you this badly.

must determine whether or not the tweet made a football like move

Back in my day, players didn’t need coddling. Hell, that little league pitcher Danny Almonte wouldn’t even drive his children on the team for ice cream after losses.

Jesus fucking christ, is his ex wife a 14 year old experiencing social media for the first time?

A few other drinks that are improved when water is added:
Furniture Polish
YMCA bath water
Crab Juice
Caffeine-free diet Coke

This would hypothetically allow the drinker to better take in the nightmarish aroma and flavor of the beverage.

dang, i didn’t realize we could only write articles on things we personally enjoy

It is absolutely homer. Drew nailed it yesterday. The pool for potential dunkers is much smaller than potential homerers.

Maybe McGrath would feel more comfortable if the towel were a sheet instead.

Tebow: [steps into RH batter’s box]

They did already, I think it’s called the SEC or something.