
Wow, that sounds inviting: St. Louis in the dead of summer, Lance Berkman, and a stadium full of passionate Christians.

he can’t read yet

“Yo bitch, get out from behind that desk so I can check out that fine ass.”

Speaking as a psychologist, I can assure you that Binge Eating Disorder amongst men is a very, very real and common concern. Your reductionism of this disorder is only perpetuating the very stigma that Joey Julius is trying to combat.

Hi, you sound like a huge prick right now. I don’t think anyone said that this is exactly the same thing as anorexia, bulimia (or whatever you think a woman’s eating disorder is) or that this man faces the same expectations and pressures a woman does.

How about that. A touching story from Penn State that doesn’t make me throw up.

“Disorder’s for me. Dat one, too.”

Thank you for participating.

“Look at this poor who is taking our picture.”

You mean Meg Trump.

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

I think it’s far more likely the cocaine wore off

Can we stop disparaging coke users by linking them to Donald Trump?

Gee...I wonder what could have been so distracting...

“Even as Mr. Trump’s advisers publicly backed him on Tuesday and praised his debate performance, they were privately awash in second-guessing about why he stopped attacking Mrs. Clinton on trade and character issues and instead grew erratic, impatient and subdued as the night went on.”

We are Diaz Brothers stans, but we’ll note a good burn when we see one.

Why are you surprised they mourn the right way?

He’s a professional soccer player. He dribbled past a few guys. Then he kicked the ball.

“They won’t take the risk to exhibit their free speech in a way that places their circumstance in jeopardy, so let them get out of uniform and do their protesting on somebody else’s nickel,” he said.

Whichever media company sees fit to greenlight Steve Smith: Shit Talking Around the World will make a fucking mint.