Dan "Help me! Help Me!" Pierce

"Hah, you're really ol-"

As a parent, Inside Out also resonates really well. It shows that your experiences that you had with them when they were 0-4 years old, will no longer be a part of their memories. And that relationship you had is forgotten and completely changed as they get older.

Started watching Master of None and got to the Parents episode when I thought "Oh crap, I need to call my dad! It's his birthday!"

That was the definition of a trap game.

Well, ball.

It's like people who don't know that Rocky Balboa doesn't win the fight at the end of Rocky.

Then there are teams like Arizona who will make the road teams wear their dark jerseys when they play under a bright desert sun.

The last line of the sketch is what sells it.
"Who would have ever expected it? Our daughter…dating a white guy."

One of the classic recurring bits was the Homeboy Shopping Network:
"No job? No problem!"
"No credit? No problem!"
"No cash? PROBLEM!"

The bombing during the 1996 Olympics.

Of course, it probably didn't help that I was taking U.S. History II at the time, and we were covering the Vietnam War and had just watched Apocalypse Now.

I was going to college in Hoboken, NJ. From our dorm rooms, we could see the smoke coming from the WTC.

Oh, they did.
They are smart people and they were keeping abreast of current events.

I remember being a junior in high school when Operation: Desert Storm started. Some of figured that it might turn into another Vietnam and we were going to get drafted in the next year or so.

My sister and her future husband were doing a tour of Europe that summer. They cut short their trip because the last stop on their itinerary had been Yugoslavia.

The thing I have come to realize, whether it's a Facebook post, a tweet, or a ringing phone, I am under no obligation to respond. I can just ignore it.

Like this one against Belicheck?

Best to wait until later when there will be less speculative reports.