After teaching America how to laugh, it was all downhill from there.
After teaching America how to laugh, it was all downhill from there.
You Only Come Twice
I have that book right here on my shelf!
Yeah, I was actually starting to get into it when it was cancelled.
For me, it was reading the Squadron Supreme series from 1985. Until that point, my concept of superheroes was informed by Superfriends and Adam West. But here was a comic book series with superheroes asking "Do the ends justify the means?" It blew my young mind.
Oh sure, when he does it, it's called "acting".
Denis Leary said it best:
"I was reading an interview with Keith Richards in a magazine and in the interview Keith Richards intimated that kids should not do drugs. Keith Richards! Says that kids should not do drugs! Keith, we can't do any more drugs because you already fucking did them all, alright? There's none left!…
Yes and not the band.
Moore was 46 when he did "Live and Let Die". Elba would not be that much older.
Because kids have terrible taste.
No, of course not because rich people buy expensive things.
While Bill Gates, noted philanthropist, bought this humble abode.
I used have a nice set of turtleneck shirts. They were so comfortable to wear during the winter months. But that was 17 years ago and they eventually fell part. I have never found their like again.
Bunch of savages in this town…
By 1986, my mom had relented on allowing us kids to see movies that pg-13 and above. Within a year, we saw Aliens, the Fly and this movie.
Not to mention he was one of the founders of Pixar.
And now, I'm thinking of Phil Hartman as Frankenstein on SNL.
The problem is that there is a lot of material to cover that just doesn't fit into a 2 hour movie.
Am I wrong in thinking that people who risk their lives for personal glory are neither inspiring or heroic?