Dan "Help me! Help Me!" Pierce

When I graduated elementary school in 1985, the graduation song was "We are the World".

Don't forget Circuit City's ill-fated Divx adventure.

Do people buy Blu-rays in stores?

Second to wide screen was 5.1 surround sound.

One of the best things that the movie distributors have done in recent years, is give you digital copies in addition to the physical media. For instance, when I bought Guardians of the Galaxy on Blu-ray, I got an iTunes redemption code. You get the convince of having a digital movie that you can stream without having

I remember when I got my first DVD player in early 2000. It was so frustrating to go into Blockbuster and find that the movie you wanted was only available on VHS tape.

Well, look at the TV business model that had for decades: air programs on broadcast channels and sells ads against them. With the advent of DVD, it became feasible to sell a season of a TV series for $40. You couldn't do that with VHS tapes.

For a lot of Roger Moore movies, he's either skiing or diving.

I see your pigeon double take and raise you a slide whistle sound effect.

I want to show Ghostbusters to my 9 year old son but I'm not ready to explain Ray's gratuitous wet dream scene to him yet.

The real question is will he not take off his shirt.

I have seen that episode and it is a distillation of Strange Days theme about memories.

Was Gambit writing the forms?

He had a lead he was a golf caddy, so he searched golf courses all over the country, to no avail.

Back in college, my fraternity would totally scam the BMG Music Club. The mailman would just deliver anything to our fraternity house and not pay attention to the names or the room number. So a lot of CDs got delivered to Seymour Butts and Philmore Cracks in room# 69.

As someone in their forties(early forties!), I recognize that Ethan Hawke is the true douche of that movie.

Counterpoint: Guardians of the Galaxy

Make it a bottle of Zima and I'm sold.

Can't Hardly Wait is definitely the better version of the One Big Day movie.

Oh god, during 1998-2001 there was that swing revival.