Dan "Help me! Help Me!" Pierce

Maybe we are dreaming Beck and he doesn't want us to wake up.

I just recently watched Iron Man and it holds up very well. I think one of the reasons it does is that it was the first one in the Marvel Cinema Universe and so it doesn't have any of the baggage.

Fun fact: He was only in it for 17.5 minutes out of the 92-minute running time.

Thank you for taking the time to research this.

Umm, 13 year olds did date in the 90's and even the 80's.
Of course, no one really knew about sex until sex Ed class in 8th grade. But even that was very clinical. Most guys figured out the specific mechanics by acquiring porn on VHS.

If heaven was real and people were happy and fulfilled there, wouldn't they come back really pissed that you pulled them back from paradise?

Smokers never notice how bad they smell.

Peter: Boss! I'd like a word!
J. Jonah Jameson: How 'bout scram. Or two words; scram kid. Or seventeen; get out of my office in two-point-three seconds or I'll staple you to a flagpole!"
Peter: (Pause in disbelief) How did you count so - uh, never mind!

My mom would insist on eating in the non-smoking sections of restaurants but you still would get the occasional waft of smoke. The non-smoking section was a joke.

After I had been living in California for a year, I went back to New Jersey for a visit. I was eating at a diner with a friend when I noticed people were lighting up all around me and I went "Oh yeah.."

There were these two guys in my college dorm that were at least a pack a day smokers.

But Hot Tub Time Machine shows her as the host!

Eh, forget the list and the blackjack.

This sounds like an interesting premise for a Brewster's Millions remake.

Luckily, we have a spare with his twin brother.

What about a series based on Peter David's New Frontier books?

Legend of Korra is under L.

One series that holds up better is X-men:Evolution.

What about the 80's Twilight Zone episode where a time traveler has to ensure that Kennedy dies?