Dan "Help me! Help Me!" Pierce

I have watched all of them with my son and the later versions were much improved over the earlier ones.
Adding to your list, Samurai and Operation:Overdrive were also entertaining.

I wouldn't call myself a fan but as the father of an 8 year old boy, I am very familiar with the many incarnations of the Power Rangers. They actually get better in later seasons…

I have an 8 year old son and due to the magic of Netflix, he has watched every iteration of Power Rangers up until the latest one that came out around a year ago.

Agreed, however, I am debating getting it anyway. I have three of the songs already. That leaves nine songs to buy which, if I buy them individually, could cost anywhere from $8.91 to $11.61. And then I would have to create my own "album" and add the artwork myself. The convenience of an already packaged product is

Somewhere there is a FOX exec going: "Why don’t WE have a humor infused space opera with a rag tag group of criminals?…We did?…And it was helmed by the guy who directed the Avengers movie?…Sonuva bitch!”

Or when they bring their young kids to a 11:00PM showing.

The joke going around my school was:
What does NASA stand for?
Need Another Seven Astronauts.

To be honest, it was the 80's and coke was everywhere. I'm pretty sure there were coke-fueled knitting circles.

Oh, Oliver North.. he was just poured into that uniform…

In my family, we were predisposed to loving Reagan since my dad's first name was Ronald (my grandmother named him after her favorite actor.)

Well, yeah. We were leaving elementary school and starting middle school in the fall. And due to our geography, we were being split up among two middle schools.

Don't forget that the profits from those sales were used to fund coke fueled death squads in South America.

This song will always hold a special place in my heart as we sung it during my 5th grade graduation ceremony. We thought it was the greatest song ever and we loved being able belt it out in front of our families. What can I say? We were a bunch of 11 year olds who thought Reagan getting re-elected was the best thing

Is that any worse than Sandra Bullock as a reclusive computer nerd in the Net?

Jordan in Real Genius.

And like all good Christians, he got engaged to the mistress he was had an extra-marital affair with.

Don't forget Road Trip.
It's one of the few raunchy comedies that came out in the wake of American Pie that still hold up.

You really think they are going to wait that long?

There were a few million people born in 1996.

They are saving it for the sequel series, I Still Am Trying to Convince Myself I Love the 2000's.