Dan Entwistle

I how do I punch somebody in the voice?

What is this guy paying you Kotaku?

FFS, is everyone at Kinja sucking this guy's cock?

i have to say. i asked kotaku for opinion on wether i should watch breaking bad or not. the repsonse was oh hell yes.

Sing it with me now...


The Acclaim South Park first person shooter that my friends and I destroyed our N64 analog sticks playing was a 5.8/10?

One day... Some day...

My goodness, the music in this game is godlike.

Oh, silly you! With the power of the cloud, of course!

A great moment to misuse one of my favourite quotes:

Fuck Christopher Robin.

read in Sean Connery voice

But remember they said it was literally IMPOSSIBLE to do so because of the coding or something. You know, just like the Xbone said.

Depending on how they did it, you and a Xenomorph, alone in a ship, could be incredibly compelling. What I'm picturing is survival horror/puzzle based, where you spend your time traversing a broken down ship, but having to figure out how to get from point A to point B a lot.

Yeah, haha. Just ask all those women I-*cough* I MEAN you are right.