
So you just omit the largest offender of the use of this word....because its a argument? 

It’s a lot harder to control your customer than your employee.

This sketch is basically just one joke, repeated over and over.”

I don’t get this arguement - why should I NOT have a national ID card as a US Citizen? Blah, blah “states rights” -bullshit - let’s step out of the 18th century, shall we?

Safari is so good at blocking 3rd party cookies it won’t let me sign into Kinja pages using 3rd party sign-in. So I use Chrome now. GJ Safari!

Trigger much? Pardon the hell out of me for using a platform set up for people to make their opinions known to actually ... make my opinion known while pointing out the most valuable part of the article.

Yeah, but you’re stuck with Safari for everything else. And stuck having to use a Mac. Eww times two.

Any advice on what I need to block whatever dreck G/O Media is putting on its pages that causes my iPad browser to lock up whenever I try to use the back arrow?

Most of them have the arcade-like machine called a “sim rig” with a seat, steering wheel, shifter, and dedicated pedals. At least one this past Sunday was built on hydraulics as well, giving even more feedback on what the virtual car is doing . It feels very realistic, and it’s tons of fun.

The best part is that any race can devolve into a destruction derby and nobody gets hurt.

Is that why the Neilsen ratings report that came out today put this eNASCAR race as the most watched eSport event in TV history?

Uh, no. You can enjoy automobiles without being a knuckle-dragging douchebag in rolling coal factory. There’s a very bug difference between running a gasoline car without a cat and what these dumb asses were doing. That image says it all. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Being passionate about emitting heavy black smoke out of a tailpipe seems on par with being passionate about the look and smell of the shit coming out of one's ass.

I don’t remember articles praising vehicles with defeated emissions controls. 

So wanting to pollute as much as possible is the province of the right? So they're dumber than I thought as they and their families breath air as well. It's sad that they are pro pollution simply because the left is against it. Who besides an idiot would want dirtier air?

Good riddance! Enjoy your CEL & your car smelling like garbage for a 0.001% gain in HP.

Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.  

The author of this “comment” sounds like he had his balls stolen by a girl in a Prius. This read screams “I am a beta Male, hear my big truck!” Why the personal attacks instead of a poignant comment? Just makes you look like a douche, not me. 

LOL, wut?

Rolling coal is dumb, obnoxious and hazardous in many many ways. I’m glad they got fined. I don’t understand why the “thin blue line” decal mention was necessary. You could’ve just said MAGA sticker or confederate flag sticker. The picture you’re painting would’ve come through just as well without revealing your bias