
The French tried it. They ended up with an Emperor and lots of death of the poors in wars.

Jesus. That’s it for me for today.

I have teen daughters that had several close calls at their school & several others in our area and this just makes me so sad.  They have protested, led protests and are so frustrated that we have stopped talking about this again.  This is going to really hit them hard as these kids were their inspiration and leaders.

So the same agency that was able to track the menstruation of minors somehow just lost hundreds of those kids?

It’s apparent at this point that the relative offensiveness of one’s nudity is entirely dependent upon the politics of the person doing the nudeing.

I would not be surprised if he though tweeting VETO! in all caps actually, you know, counted as a veto.


I’m pushing 40 and when having lunch with a friend the other day, I talked to her about how she has so many friends, and I don’t. She and I aren’t that close, I’d like to be closer, but she’s one of these women (also 40) who has a ton of really, really close friends, she doesn’t have time for more. Some from

One of the least punk things there is in this world is sitting around making judgements about what is and is not punk.

A lot of what people consider “success” is actually crap, like having lots of followers on social media, curated photos of international vacations, being young and attractive and being able to get dates with other young and attractive people. Just because someone is flaunting their life in front of you doesn’t mean

What a thought provoking article. Thanks. My best childhood friend and I both had turbulent teen years. Both ended up living independently around age 17, me to move away from my parents to go to school elsewhere, she because her parents moved away from her leaving her to finish school alone in our hometown. Our

As a society, it feels like we are constantly impressed with the importance of female friendship - you must have good deep female friends, you must have besties, a squad, a tribe.

This. Rich people believe that they’ve earned everything that’s ever been handed to them and that the poors aren’t working as hard because if they were, why aren’t they handing out on the USC yacht?

Jade is her middle name making her full name Olivia Jade Giannulli so when her parents named her they probably just assumed she’d go by Olivia Giannulli.

Call me old-fashioned, but I find the word ‘influencer’ to be unnecessary when we already had the word ‘shill’, which was a perfectly good word for the exact same thing.

Here’s why you should not feel sorry for Olivia Jade. Rich, white kids like her completely buy and sell the lie that the US is meritocracy. I will to bet she thinks she deserved to be at USC (and she has to be involved because posed for pictures for crew) and I bet she thinks this is all unfair. But Legacy admissions

Nope. Which is why this scandal will be a plus for her in the long run. When you make money off being famous getting more attention is only a good thing. We’ve seen this path walked before. It was forged by Paris Hilton and then paved with gold by the Kardashians. I wouldn’t be surprised if Olivia Jade gets an E

Same. She didn’t want to go, her parents forced her to go because they didn’t and thought she should, it’s hard to go against your parents when they control you financially, and now she’s humiliated on a global scale for something she didn’t want to be part of in the first place. She’s also catching all the vitriol

did anyone else not know who these two people were before these headlines?

just me?

That’s the ‘right’ way to bribe your kid into college. Even the guy who did the scam with the celebrities admitted to it