
At least Chris came off as affably dumb. Arie comes off as boring and dumb.

My guess is nothing to write about since listening to him talk is like watching paint dry.

I’m just wondering where the Bachelor next-day post-mortems have been lately. I’ve been searching and wondering on Tuesdays to no avail lately, and I’m worried that the recapper has died of boredom. Please send up an SOS.

I only watch it with the sound off because I’m at a bar playing Trivia at the same time and I’ve convinced the bartenders to put it on the TV I face, so I never hear their voices. Good to know Krystal’s voice is annoying. I imagine Bibiana’s voice is straight outta New York. And I have no idea what Bekah’s voice

Never liked her cause of the baby voice the first episode she just reinforced it with her actions in the second one. She’s a stage 5 clinger with no respect for the other people there

man my emotions for krystal were a real rollercoaster this episode. at first she was one of my favs and then by the end i wanted to claw my eyes out every time she spoke

When she started crying, I was hoping it would at least have been like “my second cousin twice removed was killed in a drag racing competition” or somethingggggggggg.

My girlfriend and I were saying the same thing. With Rachel most of the guys were late 20s-mid 30s, so basically her age (Dean being the one(?) exception). For this dude they cast a bunch of women who are more than 10 years younger than him. The youngest contestants would have been underage when he was on The

They are missing a HUGE opportunity (IMHO) by not doing a more mature season and casting both an older bachelor and older women. I can understand the crazy level of women in their mid-20s who sign up to be on this shit show (for the Instagram fame and sponcon dollar$$$$ alone) but someone 40 who signs up for this?

Bekah is something else. I love her look, and I think she’s got a wild streak in her, there’s something about her that leads me to believe that a really good date with her would end up dangerously close to being arrested for mischief.

And I agree that having a Bachelor who is very boring is great—a blank canvas! That being said, that doesn’t mean he needs to be so. god. damn. dumb.

The dramatic reenactment of the bumper car trauma was literally the best part of the show maybe ever.

Sienne is waaaaay to good for his bland ass, as is Bekah, and I’m loving Tia, as well. The others are basically interchangeable mermaid hairs.

I’m so skeeved out by this season because even though they chose an older Bachelor they still kept with the trend of casting women in their early 20's. I get that those women are also a big segment of the audience of the show but it is so weird to hear a 22 year old talk about love and forever romance with a 36 year

i wish i could agree that his career was over, but we’re still out here giving mel goddamned gibson movie roles, and director’s chairs

I’m not praising him for his apology, but I am happy for the precedent that this sets.

I think people are praising it because we have never actually seen a man in power admit to his crimes and take ownership of them. Experience has set such a low bar.

Well, the bar is pretty low. What with all the “if true”, “I don’t remember it” and “Maybe I did it but did I also tell you I’m gay?! LOL!” statements, at least this one attempts honesty.

I agree! I think our culture conflates “dependency” with “codependency” and that leads to people adopting that “INDEPENDENT” attitude you mention. Depending on others is normal and necessary; any kind of group existence can’t happen with out it. Being codependent is extreme and unhealthy, and typically implies that

in new relationships i always try to be like. the cool girl. for as long as i can. but the truth always comes out eventually and I’m like, welp hope he loves me enough by now that he’ll deal w/ it!