
"Because raising awareness about ones beliefs, thus attempting to create an atmosphere where others can realize that they aren't alone if they aren't racist, is somehow part of the problem."

Making basic human decency an exceptional trait dehumanized and demeans the people who are being decent.

By making the distinction of "good white people" over and over and over, I can't help but read it as though "good white people" are the exception.

I actually really like "Tiger" and "Glitter Bun" from the comments, but I usually use "wet hole". Too porny? Or is it too dismissive?

Question: what about a system where a receiver can have a sender's message stickied to the sender's profile for some amount of time?

Yea, not pleased. As a feminist, what's with the different treatment for men and women?

Here's an idea, let the receiver of a message have it attached to the sender's profile for some period of time.

Please explain why adoption agencies exist if not to transfer the assumption of parenting from one to another in the instance that the current holder of those rights and responsibilities does not or cannot hold them.

Don't adoption agencies exist specifically for this purpose?

Don't adoption agencies exist specifically for this purpose?

If we refuse to talk to "terrified racist simpletons" you abandon them to the enemy. Furthermore, if she has any intention of being the president, she is going to have to respect the rights of those "terrified racist simpletons" as well as represent them.

I don't know if I could be more irritated at the angle of the criticism. Who are these people? Are any of them republicans who wanted to slash publicly funded educational programming so that those shows could "have a fair shot" from "the market"?

I laughed openly, with complete abandon.