Pontypool's #1 DJ

To quote the future captain of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701D/E, the line must be drawn here! No further!

If us white people can’t even make fun of each other without being called racist, then truly our end is near.

>Was Gigi Hadid’s Melania Trump impression “racist”? Maybe! All I know for certain is that it was they are both terrible.

Wait what about any of this is rational?

Gigi can’t really do anything.

A white woman making fun of another white woman is not racist. Xenophobic, maybe. Not racist.

I can only assume that the only reason Gigi Hadid was encouraged to do her impression was due the fact that no one who saw it beforehand likes Gigi Hadid.

Because there was nothing wrong with the tweet. All he said was that St. Patty’s day is a wonderful time for Black guys to meet White women. He didn’t imply consent wasn’t involved. He didn’t imply that the women were too drunk to make a rational decisions.

My way of reading it was that they’d all be at the same place at the same time and they could hook up and have fun. Like, that’s it. No preying, no rape involved. And to think that he was implying that rape was going to be involved is a huge stretch.

Me too. Could easily be some drunk women are horny and looking for sex. Celebratory moods make some women want sex? It’s ambiguous and I’d want to look at more than one tweet to determine a pattern and meaning. Trump’s are part of a long term pattern and are consistently bad to aweful.

This one tweet vs. Pence’s career of anti-woman, anti-gay legislation? Sing me up for team Brandon.

Isn’t everyone drunk on St-Patrick’s Day? That’s the whole point of it.

Drunk sex is rape to many jezzies so I can kind of see how it’s problematic. But this is reaching to say the least.

It really really isn’t.

Yeah, not sure why this is “noteworthy” and why someone dredged up a 4 year old tweet?

but noteworthy nonetheless.


Um. Nemo-nazis (typo and its stays) need an intro to (being) sketch class, maybe.

This is one of the few cases where I don’t doubt that the person who did this was some schmuck kid/young adult who was trying to troll people. You are in Brooklyn and out of all the places to tag your anti-Semitic hate, you tag a children’s playground who happens to be named after one of the Beastie Boys. Also, you

“If you’re able to volunteer, volunteer...if you’re a musician, write that anthem. If you’re a writer, write. Take what you’re good at, and what you truly enjoy, and lend your services to the causes you care most about. ‘Cause we can’t, and we won’t, and we don’t stop.”