Dancing Milkcarton

I predicted tired Apple memes in the comments and I was correct! Cookie for me.

Excellent point.

Who was talking about the movie?

Justin sleeps with Mila Kunis. Justin wins.

"At this point, I could care less. "


And on a somewhat related note, that dashboard in the photo is unbelievably ugly and unusable. Such a waste of space trying to 'look modern'. I'm always shocked car companies don't spend more time on their dashboards designs - this one obviously didn't.

Now we're talkin'.

Maybe the Internet has desensitized me, but I was expecting something more 'disgusting'.

Not sure about that, but it's certainly going to be one of the best values. $300 plus $50 for Motion? That's insanely reasonable.

If copper is so abundant and 'inexpensive' why are copper thefts so much more common now? Stealing wire, stripping houses, etc...

If RIM was really 'focused on business' they would have seen this coming. I work at Fortune 5 company and iPhones are taking the lead in our enterprise. RIP RIM.

The problem is they were fucking pathetic on the standards front prior to IE9. I won't trust MS to ever do the right thing on the browser standards front. They single-handedly held up progress of the WWW for years when they practically abandoned IE after 'winning' the browser war.

... and if someone would know...

I bet that western digital hard drive looks great duct-taped to your phone.

Agreed. I'm no Sarah Palin fan, but it's funny how comedians like Jon Stewart are making fun of the media now only because they didn't find a smoking gun.

You hang out with fake tech-savvy people. Honestly, you do.

I've found that email has much, much faster delivery than SMS on my iPhone / AT&T. I know plenty of people that have had the same experience.

They had me up until the Hydra talk. Seriously, you were doing so well until you outed yourselves as a bunch of nerds in your parent's basement.