Dancing Milkcarton

Uh, there's been an iTunes album cover screensaver just like this from Apple before the Zune was even released.

OS X has had the iTunes tile screensaver long before the Zune was even a glint in the eye of Mr. Balmer / Gates. The only difference with the Lion version is interactivity.

I'm torn here, on one hand Microsoft seems to be working to make IE much better, but Microsoft single-handedly is responsible for holding back web standards for years.

The news coverage was ridiculous. They kept mentioning Chris was on the boat.

I agree with everything but the death toll - there's one village where 10K people are missing.

You'd be surprised how lazy the general public is. I seriously doubt enough would move to even be statistically measurable.

Some of those YouTube videos are staggering.

Uh, I think they mean the coverage, not the devastation.

I thought the recent Battlefield 3 gameplay video looked better than this (including the animation, which is WAY more realistic).

To this day I still can't believe how badly RIM and Microsoft missed the smartphone boat.

Yeah, as an ex-smoker, I can tell you that it just took a bit of willpower to stop.

Why is there a need for a device like this? Is there a medical condition where the stomach stops sending signals to the brain, or can overindulging just be 'cured' by having an ounce of willpower and moderation while eating?

It's crazy what kicking the shit out of Microsoft will do for your rep.

Some of the apps strain it a bit, though. The Daily is good looking, but seems to chug along at various times.

You don't pack a lunch for a grade school kid, do you?

I agree - furthermore, if I can somehow gain better control over when bananas ripen, I'd probably throw away a lot less of them. I buy A LOT of bananas, and every bunch seems to ripen at a radically different pace than the previous one.

It's so amazing that you have such intimate knowledge of the Jobs' family's charitable endeavors.

I would say this design actually produces less waste over the traditional squeeze packets which hold a fraction of the product and require probably 4 or 5 packets for equal volume.