Dancing Milkcarton

Ha - I just thought the same thing. I thought it was the opening to Looney Tunes.

I can't verify that about Lifehacker, but does anyone still read Slashdot?

You don't own an Apple device, do you?

That's interesting, every iDevice has more battery life than the previous generation. If there's one thing Apple crushes the competition on, it's battery management and industrial design to pack more cells in the hardware.

@Andorian25: Anti-Apple trolls like Mazda rule the day here now. Most of the objective commenters don't bother to interject.

@Horusz: You're spot on.

@MazdaMania: Lately the 'anything but Apple' crowd has become much more annoying. I didn't think it was possible, but it's true. Present company included, of course.

Ooooh, burn!

@GrampaJoe: There's only one Rush I listen to, and they're from Toronto.

@GrampaJoe: Get the fuck over yourself. The one thing we don't have an explanation for is why you spent the time to read and comment on a story you have no interest in.

@SenorMoofer: Your comment just raised it to 70C.

@lavans: You're right, I wish Apple made a desktop.

@ima747: I'm sure Dellinger has helped build something on the notification front that we'll see very soon - probably in iOS5.

@Pill_Hell_Tom: You may think they're dragging their feet, but I assure you they're not.

@Denver is too damn high: I completely agree (up to a point). My DirecTV whole house DVR just works. Always. Until something is that easy I'm sticking with it. Currently my time is worth more than what I pay for my satellite service. A lot more.

@CollReg: Agreed. If this is something I would never have to maintain I could see the advantage (for Google/Apple).

It would take me approximately the rest of my life to upload my music collection to someone else's server, even with TWC's 'extreme'.