Dancing Milkcarton

@Voltswagon: I bet you're a real hoot at parties.

@karmakazenz1: Enough with the 'open standard' horseshit.

@monstermax: Yep, once you hit your teens the brain loses a majority of its damage adaptability.

I would have never bought my '10 GTI if it had so much hard plastic surrounding me.

@hvrock13: Who pissed in your Wheaties? This is a tech blog. One of the most popular devices is being offered on another carrier for the first time. Got it?

@Jonathan Reese: My AT&T service used to *suck*. Badly. It is almpost perfect now. They've worked hard to fix the connection issues (at least where I live).

@Cromwell: Huh? The spot is built into the settings and you have to download the other apps from the App Store.

@Jonathan Reese: It wouldn't even be close to 70%. And the reason why they wouldn't do something like allow the switch for free is part monetary, part paperwork/process to cancel another service.

@Galvarez: My favorite part about your image is the way Windows anti-aliases text. It's like 1998 all over again.

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: You honestly thought Apple would let someone put their logo on their hardware?

@wætherman: Huh? It's an application and a preference file.

@bigcamcrsx: Not in the 'purchases per platform', I bet.

That's very accurate - but I don't have keepers. Everything goes into the 'regular / wear while sleeping category'

@Zaos: Agreed - the first 18 months or so with my first iPhone was horrific - practically every call was dropped. The last 18 months with AT&T have been much, much better - I can't remember the last time I dropped. They've come a long way - at least where I live.

The Xoom looks okay (dumb name, though) - but must Verizon stamp their dumb logo on the bezel? Is that just a sticker?

@petergriffin325: His original comment was just 'I'll stick with Android, thanks'