Please please Judge Kara, we need an open thread for tonight’s MAFS Decision Day in case there’s a repeat of the great Sean & Davina Debacle of ‘14.
Please please Judge Kara, we need an open thread for tonight’s MAFS Decision Day in case there’s a repeat of the great Sean & Davina Debacle of ‘14.
First, bonus Auntie points for even asking this. How physically affectionate is your new niece with your sister? If she doesn’t imitate hugs with your sis yet, she might not be ready to with you.
I read this yesterday and found Lanza’s casual sexism and willful negligence unnerving. I get what he’s saying about kids being able to play freely. I’m old enough to remember my mom sending me outside with a ball and saying “come back when the streetlights are on”. But she also told me to play in the middle of the…
He’s dead inside. It’s the only answer.
You got a keeper. I once dated a guy who didn’t play the air drums when In The Air Tonight came on. I knew we weren’t meant to be.
I have the maddest girlcrush on Benjamina. Every episode i find myself staring at her eyebrows and thinking I should take a pic of them to my threading lady.
omg, thank you! I hadn’t thought to look for their social media account but then I found this gem on twitter and have watched on a loop
White men fighting in Philly? Yawn. Jawn.
I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard, but you deserve all the stars.
First, my condolences for the lost of your mother.
Second, not every employer even lets you use sick bank for care of another. Mine allows 6 paid days from your sick bank to care for someone else (the rationale being that sick time if for your own illness), and until recently, salaried employees could not apply…
Coconut Oil also had antibacterial properties that are good for your scalp. I have very thick hair that I don’t wash every day but my scalp sweats when I work out and causes awful dandruff. I made a whipped butter that is equal parts shea, coconut, and olive or almond oil with a few drops of vitamin E and tea tree…
Hahaha, I totally understand. And I am a /proud/ food snob. I think to your point, the chef himself probably gets bored and looks forward to special events so he can show off a bit.
And after a recent story about how you can take naps at Ikea in China, and now Chinese beer, I feel like I need to go next time i’m in…
My local IKEA has special dinner events that you have to buy tickets for in advance. I went to one and the Chef stopped at our table for a bit. He was SO excited to plan his own menu and show his different skills. Just because it’s inexpensive doesn’t mean the cooks don’t have skills.
I was gonna make some snarky remark about how only 9 people even acknowledged her comment but I have enough self-awareness to recognize my saltiness because she’s living her best life and i’m a slave to The Man.
My local southeast Asian markets definitely label this as Kaffir Lime so though i’m sensitive to the fact that the term has a history, from a practical perspective, anyone new to this ingredient would have difficulty finding it in shops if they only know it as Markut Lime.
Yep. Olivier Martinez. I don’t think their divorce is finalized but yah, he beat the mess out of Gabriel Aubrey. Tried to claim Aubrey attacked him first but all he had was a hurt hand and Gabriel’s face was pretty messed up.
She’s spoken about growing up witnessing a lot of domestic abuse between her parents. It’s…