
she straight up acts more like an actual person after the LSD. Is that how housewives used to act? weirdly shy and self-conscious and unable to maintain eye contact?

target carries some from Hanes, I think they come in a two-pack but they're mid-rise cotton hipsters. They never get in my buttcrack and they're full cotton and AMAZING. and they're cute.

yeah someone said something similar and I think that's spot on. I was a tween during the Lizzie McGuire years and I think light up shoes *might* have been a thing for middle schoolers? Girls at my school definitely had that kind of backpack.

Well considering his previous wife was in her 50s then I might be next wife considering I'm 22. I wouldn't hold it against him...

that also makes total sense. Stunted development

Unfff. We seriously do. IDC how old he is I would be on that in a heartbeat

haha I never fully realized why kimmy dressed like that but you are 1000% correct

hey now, hey NOOOW

I'm an athiest, an anti-theist even. Doesn't mean I think the world wouldn't be better if ladies had more say within the patriarchal systems they participate in.

Not surprising considering Catholic women are just as likely as the general us population to get an abortian. Protestant women are more likely.

My dad had an artificial fireplace put in. His desire to have everyone in the family crowd around a toasty fire was ruined when my sister and I refused because being in that room made our eyes burn and gave us headaches. The boys laughed us off. My sister (who is amazing and a total hard-ass) asked our contracted who

the headline made me very nervous but I'm glad that there is a focus on how reflexive young is being and that he's focusing on changing his perspective. Admitting is the first step to recovery and pieces like this where that's the focus should be applauded. Again, young is great. Plus he's from my hometown of

Damon Young is great and VSB is one of the best blogs around

I LOVE this. This wedding sounds awesome!

THE KERNING! It burns my eyes!!

Uggh. This is so upsetting. I'm an actress (in the theatre world, in a medium-sized city, not film, in in LA) and this is a reflection of how actresses are dehumanized. It's really REALLY hard to not be desperate, the paychecks are few and far between and the aura of the audition room it's hard to avoid a kind of: my