Love the people in the grays blaming this on trans people but shocked that someone came after *their* bodily autonomy!
Love the people in the grays blaming this on trans people but shocked that someone came after *their* bodily autonomy!
I love that, despite Italy having more than 30 unique regional accents & dialects (more than America has), so many Americans believe Italians all speak like Jersey mall trash.
President was a bridge too far, but that hair could probably get Connor elected Governor of Texas.
The Lives of Others is such a great (and terrifying) movie. Your story illustrated that paranoia and fear so well. I’m glad Lisa’s family made it out OK!
Another one that proves truth is scarier than fiction...
I think one of the creepiest stories I’ve ever heard was from my friend Lisa, about the worst kind of ghost: the ghosts who are all too real. Lisa’s originally from the city of Rostock - a seaport in Germany. It used to be quite the big deal in the old GDR and her family have always had a presence in the shipbuilding…
“Ghosts in the Walls”
Warning – Domestic Violence
*CW - Suicide*
He’s so beautiful! I loved loved loved that part of your story so much! Thank you for sharing such a tremendous experience and a picture of your buddy. Seems like he’s definitely your ally, and I’d bet he helped you stay safe during your attack. Speaking of which, I sincerely hope that doesn’t happen to you again -…
Question for all of us in the comments. Do you prefer:
There’s somehting really nice about an unknown entity telling you to get a grip.
I would find the Karker/Bardashian pairing a whole lot more interesting if he was a “non rich” tattooed guy and she got into more epic fights with her supremely Daria meets Cher from Clueless voice. Mmmmyeah. The paparazzi needs to like stop.
If Game of Thrones taught me anything, it's that guys named Jamie should not be trusted.
I felt certain that you were speaking metaphorically. As in, “stadium” = “big mansion” and “pantyhose” meant...IDK, some weird hat.
So dry 3A curly head talking here, but I lost about 75% of my hair (you read that right) after the birth of my second child. That was unpleasant. My “undercoat” came in with a vengeance about 4 years ago and I’m still dealing with the fallout (pun intended).
I was a no wash/dry shampoo addict for nearly a decade, and while my hair always looked healthy and shiny my lack of routine wreaked havoc on my scalp. Washing once a week or less eventually caused gradual hair loss that I’m very, very slowly restoring more than a year after I started washing regularly again.
I hope the movie has the time to explain why strange women lying in ponds and distributing sword is not the basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power comes from the mandate of the masses; not some farcical aquatic ceremony. You can’t just expect to weird supreme executive power just because some watery…
Right - its someone claiming they are being abused, monetarily drained, and legally controlled by their family due to a disability and the article reads like a Jan and Marsha fight...