Yeah, I just can’t get enough of this video. My husband and I keep teasing each other with “fuck it - I’ll do it live” when one of us asks the other for a favor. It’s not getting old any time quick either.
Yeah, I just can’t get enough of this video. My husband and I keep teasing each other with “fuck it - I’ll do it live” when one of us asks the other for a favor. It’s not getting old any time quick either.
I work for a company that manufactures salsa. We very purposefully use a jar that is too small at the opening to fit a chip in so that you are forced to pour the jar out into a bowl thereby using more salsa and causing you to gorge yourself where you otherwise might have stopped. America!
“”You don’t just have to be, or have, a camel to enjoy it. There is award money for best poem (presumably about camels) and for best “abstract painting of a camel.” “
They should really make steak knives the official male engagement gift.
Florida? Florida?!?
Nah. I’ve been smoking for near 2 decades. There’s good weed, and there’s bad weed. Those are the only two “kinds” of weed.
No. 12 - Mack The
RE: Different types of weed:
Swiss rolls are the perfect snack, except when a layer of chocolate sticks to the carboard. Which is every time. FIX THAT!
To irrelevancy, and beyond!
Given that most items I’ve ordered from Modcloth turned out to be cheap fast-fashion garbage made in overseas sweatshops hidden behind an overly-twee name (seriously, what is WITH their item names?), this isn’t a complete surprise. But it still sucks — I just started shopping there and I’ve gotten some super adorable…
The show was awesome. Unfortunately (but you can understand why) it was filmed in Pennsylvania and California, not Kentucky. Kentucky’s actually a lot prettier.
Unfortunately the only times I see spots I’ve lived in Alabama are depression documentaries about the history of racism in America.
“This photo of Wallace’s stand in the schoolhouse doors....”
“Hey, honey, my old dorm is on tv!”
Sure hope I get that box from Amazon soon, been kinda lonely.
Show me any place where I’ve lived on television and I will feel like the most special little boy in the world, even if it’s one of the most obvious filming locations on Earth. “Oh wow, the Empire State Building! I used to live 30 blocks from there!” Pretty cool brag!
As a Floridian, aka a state that fought for the South, I’d like to give him the Confederate flag that matters.
Guh. People.
...So Steve King’s vision of America is one where we all look like Steve King? Hard pass.
I mean, it would be a disaster for California, if it were to leave.
A couple of Christmas Eves ago, my brother-in-law was visiting, and we got to talking about first jobs, and his was a door-to-door Kirby salesman. And he was giving me the whole spiel, and some of the demos he used to run, then opined about how they really were awesome vacuum cleaners and lasted for ever.