
Ms. Finch sure is harebrained, but did anyone else find her to be scary as hell? She looms through the whole movie in a red van that's the equivalent to Michael Myers' station wagon, and has these freakily prominent, dark eyelashes. There's that one scene at night where Big Bird's mailing his teddy bear back to Sesame

I thought the exact same thing when I read that, then scratched my head. Personally, I love the finale for all the reasons you described above.

Me likey Pavement.

I will forever associate this song with the American Pie trailer.

Did anyone else notice that one of the boats docked at the harbor where the Writer and Pi were talking was called The Mignonette?  The real-life ship was a significant site of maritime cannibalism, not to mention a possible namesake of Richard Parker:

Did anyone else notice that one of the boats docked at the harbor where the Writer and Pi were talking was called The Mignonette?  The real-life ship was a significant site of maritime cannibalism, not to mention a possible namesake of Richard Parker: