
Putting someone in prison for any length of time over a $300/month “fraud” is absurd. The possibility that it could be over a decade is monstrous. Such harsh penalties for people on government assistance, while for example military contractors who defraud the government for many millions never see a prison cell.

I don’t care who you are. 15 years for $8k fraud is absurd and unjust.

I hate Trump as much as everyone else here, but I sure hope this bill passes. I expect Trump is saying he supports it just to piss off Jeff Sessions, and I doubt it will actually get through, but it would be so good to see this pass.

This bill essentially makes it so if a state legalizes cannabis, the feds will

Yes I am. How did you guess..?

Now playing

If we get to these incels when they’re young enough, maybe at least they could contribute to society with a nice singing voice...

They should have leaned into it, and had him get a new wife every season, or even every few episodes. Kevin’s wives could be like the Spinal Tap drummer. They’d get speculation like with Dr Who, about the who the next wife will be. Maybe next season Kevin would be married to a man...!

Burger King did wrong here, but the police and court system did worse. The police should not have arrested him in the first place. And to hold him for three months in jail is a massive violation. Burger King should give him a million. The police should give him five million. The court system should give him fifty

I’m a white Canadian, and when I saw “finna” I looked at my keyboard and assumed this was a typo for “gonna” since the keys are right next to each other. Then I googled it and I learned a new word!

“Jews were not illegally entering and remaining in Germany. They were in fact upstanding CITIZENS...” To many Germans at the time, and to many Christians now, Jews are “existing in a state of criminality” because they killed Jesus, and because they were secretly responsible for Germany’s problems.

So when your President is a crook and “existing in a state of criminality” your reply is “well all world leaders are crooks.” But when it comes to a child immigrant, they belong in prison because we must all obey “the laws.” Got it.

But when they cancel a show they replace it with a new one, which has workers too!

I neither said nor implied any such thing.

It leads with Wife because that’s what their polling showed would be the most effective item to lead with.

Cannabis has little effect on the ability to drive a vehicle. In the quantities most people use it, cannabis is much less impairing that legal levels of alcohol.

So when he dismantles and privatizes the postal service he can say it’s Amazon’s fault because they were using it too much...

Many people want to see the ridiculous prohibition on hemp ended. I doubt they’ll follow through, but no need to dismiss efforts to end cannabis prohibition in all its forms. Hemp is awesome.

This is actually a story about the war on drugs, how it harms babies, kills parents, tears apart families. The root problem here is not the existence of drugs, it is America’s disastrous drug policy of prohibition. Want healthier families, safer communities, better policing? End the drug war. End prohibition.

So you like the idea of a violent rapist being able to do more violent rapes in prison, as long as they’re raping other criminals? If Nassar had been raping men, you would support him raping other men in prison as long as they were also rapists?