It was an awful system and poorly thought out. A ridiculous stop gap measure to allow a car company to meet the vague safety requirements enacted by folks who knew nothing about cars.
It was an awful system and poorly thought out. A ridiculous stop gap measure to allow a car company to meet the vague safety requirements enacted by folks who knew nothing about cars.
It was an awful and poorly implemented system. No, folks were not too stupid to understand that they should wear their seatbelts. No, no one wanted to legislate away safety. There was no public outcry to significantly reduce the safety of cars. Sheesh.
Hmmm.. more like too much.
Nice car. Way too expensive. Crack Pipe.
The funny part is that while union leadership dislikes the president most union members supported him in the last election.
Bull stuff. So far AT&T, Boeing and Comcast (possibly others) are already planning to hand out bonuses to non-executive employees and in invest their savings into new infrastructure and other items.
Mostly likely jobs.
Cutting taxes does not in and of itself increase the deficit.
Well, the membership, not the leadership, helped to elect President Trump. So I reckon there is a slight rift between what the union members want and what the union leadership wants.
Non-sequitor. 80% of all people seeing a tax cut does not equate to tax cuts for the 1% only.
Short term savings? I ran the numbers too... My family should see a savings of 4.5-4.8% for the next 10 years. That is not short term.
Coca-Cola costs about the same as a gallon of gasoline so why even bother?
It is indeed a thing. I only use the touchless car wash on my vehicles for quick removal of road salt and crud. Our local High’s, AC&T and other gas stations also give you a 20 cents per gallon discount if you buy the wash. When filling up our F150 I choose the cheapest wash, $6.00, and it pays for itself. Free wash…
$2,995.00 for a truck camper combo that is easy to work on, all sorts of parts and pieces shoud be easy to track down and it has an almost indestructible engine?
With only 1,800 of these ever being built, much less still on the road, I am willing to bet you have never driven behind one of these vehicles, going up or down a mountain, with or without Kansas plates.
And those alone are reasons enough to bring back the K5 Blazer!
Well, most Smart car owners I have met are not so smart about cars themselves. This would easily confuse many of them.
Easily, especially for folks who are stupid enough to pay money for a Smart branded vehicle.
Almost. It is just that few see any real benefit of building high speed bullet trains in the U.S.A. It does not seem to be cost-effective.
Ugh. Stop it already...