Do your prices include the labor for installation?
Do your prices include the labor for installation?
Hogwash. Toyota will not drop their MSRP just because Nissan has a lower MSRP.
Right on! I like the cut of your jib.
That is a glorious Delta 88. Well worth the price of admission.
Was going to make this comment... Sad I was not here quick enough. Star for you.
Do not question your sanity. Question the sanity of the person who is willing to pony up $90,100.00 for this car.
Why cut the springs? Why?
Curse of The Were-Rabbit is a magnificent movie. Go and See it NOW!
The hang-time clock was retired when Ray Guy retired. Once he left there was absolutely no need for the clock any longer.
Lucerne. That was name that a local grocery store used for their store brand dairy products. So, a car named after milk. Yeah, that is pretty boring.
Driver was 71 years old and his passenger was 76 years old. Rest in peace you crazy old coots. What a way to go... Over 100 miles per hour and leaping a ravine. God Speed.
At least the cubby hole would not open up when the transmission gave out while driving up a hill.
Real Men of Genius!
I am actually more concerned about the lack of protection on the arms, legs, hands and feet of the rider and his passenger. They may or may not smack their heads on the pavement if they wreck but they will scrape every other part of their bodies along the asphalt. Road rash hurts! I cannot tell you how many doofuses…
Yes, that is a neat helmet. I want one!
Oh God no! Stay out of Vermont... Ugh.
You are correct that there will never be a perfect correlation between time to refuel but methinks they will need to be much closer than they are right now. 20 minutes of charging batteries to move 100 miles versus 5 minutes filling up with petroleum to move 400 miles is big difference.
Absolutely. Ball was released directly into the pass rusher’s hand. This appears to be an incomplete pass.