
Gee, what a surprise. I figured they would all ride it... *shakes head*

Yep. Bunch of morons. Just grab the handlebar and push the kill switch.


Oh Yeah Baby, YEAH! My dad has always been big into motorcycles so it was no surprise when we found the most fantastic Evel Knievel toys under the Christmas tree. My brother, my cousin and I loved those things! Used to race them and jump them out in the middle of the court upon which we lived. Move the cars into the

Hahahahaha! Morons.

I actually dig this Volkswagen-engined motorcycle. It looks pretty neat. Nothing wrong with big and heavy bikes as long as they have decent handling characteristics. I would be interested in tracking one of these suckers down to add to our collection of motorcycles.

Came here to say this... it is a book and a movie about wizards and witches and giants and dragons and ogres and so on. Get a grip folks.

Yep. Congress never agreed to it... President Obama did not have the power to do it alone. Never brought it up for a vote. So yes, we were never in.

Of course it is misguided. And it is stupid as well.

As far as air pollution goes, yes, diesels are much worse. So much more particulate matter spewed into the air. So much worse for your lungs.

Especially those God awful French cigarettes. YUCK!

Mostly nuclear fuel. France gets it when it comes to using nuclear energy powerplants. Unlike the rest of the world that keeps blocking the use of nuclear.


I am honest and I would not mind at all. Of course I do not stick my nose into other folks’ business either. If there are no laws or regulations being violated then it is okay with me.

Why do you even care about the colour of a person’s skin? It has never mattered to me or to most folks I know. Give it a rest.

Shhhhh! This being a true story just gets in the way of her ridiculously stupid rant.

Are not all vehicles subject to the small overlap crash test? If so, then I am not sure how this is singling out the Tesla cars.

How is this author pushing a false narrative about failing to deliver again? Methinks you are reading too much into this article.

Agreed. Every single person I know who owns or has owned a German made vehicle has repair horror stories where costs soared into the stratosphere when attempting to correct the problems. Yet they keep buying those German engineered cars and bash the usual domestic big three American automobile manufacturers. And here

Now that just bloody amazing! Thank you for the visual.