
I have no problem with retailers using little purchase-inducing techniques to make me want to buy something I already want. If I need it, I buy it. But I'm not stupid enough to buy something I don't need or don't want.

And then we have this.

Some scientists really pull stuff out of their asses, eh?

Nah. I think you're just a little bit clumsy.

Unprecedented. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

George, WTF did you do to your HAIR?

Why not post that a base Retina MBP is only $2199?

"The staffers have no idea what drove the tortoises apart, "

Does that say unleashe the fury or did they mean unleash the furry?

I never liked AI's re-creating his "mother". She did NOT love him. She loved her real son. The ending was fake. It's like bringing back your ex-girlfriend telling you she loves you when the last thing she said in real life was GTFO.

Your brain suffered the equivalent of forgetting to save a document after working on it for several hours. Loss of data!

The Germans are not impressed.

How do you tell the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer?

Are you serial?

Would she really pack that stuff on a trip?

Because... Jesus.

That's all I ask. If you recommend it, I will see it.

Won't someone think of the children?!?!

I expect good visuals. If the plot sucks and is full of holes, then Hollywood has, yet again, let me down.

Funny. I didn't see anything about whether the plot was worth a damn or if it was actually any good.