
My parents used the “clear your plate until you almost vomit” method. When we eat out or even when she eats at home my mother rather suffers through the rest of her meal than leave it or have it packed up. It took me a while to learn to stop when I’m full. I don’t feel uncomfortable after meals anymore and have

Pretty sure North also does stuff with other kids. I believe I’ve seen photos of her going to and from dance class in previous dirtbags.

I have no tears to shed for lying cheats.

what happened in this case,and others involving black moms, is racial profiling.

you did not imply that it never happens to white moms,did you? yet,they all chimed in with that assumption,yes? well,reality check,it doesn’t happen to white moms (it being racially-profiled bc that is why laura browder was assumed neglectful and arrested) .

The target of the hit piece is also their rival Conde Nast’s CFO. Which makes all of the recent Reddit hate articles seem strangely conspiratorial, because they are also owned by Conde Nast.

Before the CoverGate, they did! It was nuts. They were really trying to make people watch Girls, just like they are trying to make us watch Inside Amy Schumer now.

I am solidly an anti Schumer truther, I went against her when literally every other commentator was in love.

They’re still promoting her. If they were really anti-Schumer they wouldn’t even do a story but I guess there is some rule that every segment of TV she does needs an accompanying article.

She gets a pass on shit that her progressive fans/champions kill every other comedian for.

Am I the only one who doesn’t find Amy particularly charming or funny?

Why do you make comments like this its annoying. Why shouldnt emma be called out, just because shes a fave doesnt mean she should get a pass.

Now playing

“Cultural appropriation” nazis are the fucking worst. They’re almost always white people trying to score lefty points with their friends...

straight hair and blonde hair are not specific to white people. cornrows,full lips and brown skin are specific to poc and their cultures.

Pretty sure that was her shitty way of saying “Go hang out with my leftovers ‘cause I don’t even give a flying fuck about race ‘cept when it benefits me and mine”

By people like you I mean people who cannot fathom that someone they know nothing about might be influential to some. I’m glad there’s a young woman showing black girls that one can wear natural hair and have different body types and still be beautiful. That’s important. But its easier for people like you to tear

Amandla is an activist. As a child thousands of people on twitter and in the media were saying the most racist dehumanising shit about her because she played a role in a movie that was supposed to be for someone ‘cute’. Telling black girls they are beautiful and worthwhile and using her influence to explain cultural

Caitlyn has never been, nor will she ever be, a good parent figure. It’s too late. She thinks her kids are grown and her job is done. She’s over there mentoring kids, and I’m like, hi, you have a 17 year old that needs your guidance like right now. She doesn’t care.

Just goes to show you that age doesn’t necessarily indicate whether a person is mature or not. I would be proud to have Amandla as a sister or daughter. I just hope she doesn’t lecture Kylie anymore because she clearly doesn’t give a fuck about black people beyond fucking black men, wearing hair styles that are

Caitlyn please get ahold of your daughter she’s awful