
Please do not call me honey, we didn't go to kindergarten together.

I m sure the 70000 people who died in Hiroshima and the 40 000 one of Nagasaki, plus the one who are still suffering from those bombs will agree with you.

I'm sure the purpose of those bombs were to give people Bonbon, and fireworks.

I don't really care about who get mad because I don't think the sun doesn't shine trough Béyoncé ass.

Thank you. I'm not saying that a course about Black feminism isn't important, why not use people like Tony Morrison? Bell Hooks?or other women who actually didn't let there husband casually remind Us that is OK to not care about rape, especially when the victim is a black women?

To each their own. It's a sad day when Béyoncé is used as the Voice of black feminism.

I actually do, but thanks for playing.

That was some freudian slip right there.

I guess this isn't about Béyoncé?

Because they couldn't just have a class about Black feminism?

Can you show me where I mention Jews? I didn't know there was country called Jew at the UN

The American system of education have so many useless classes.

I wonder who seat at the UN and make those decisions?

Because Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't a genocide right?

This is kind of funny because yesterday, she sounded like a dying cat.

He was ugly even back then.

She wasn't mentally ill enough to not try to blame a POC for her crime.

I have 3white gays clients, they treat me like shit. They are some of the more open racist educated people I have met. If I was working for my own, I wouldn't want them as client.

Thanks Loki, my prayer worked.

I don't get what's the problem for a woman to diet and love her after diet body.