
It makes me smile, because the media and the public were such a dick to Segolene.

He didn't leave Segolene for her, He and Segolene divorced years before Segolene was candidate for the presidential.

He was married to the Socialist Candidate Segoléne Royal who was beaten by Sarkozy in 2008.

Not Husband, just Boyfriend

Please don't remind me. GOTT Fandom can be such a dick to women while defending people like Tyrion. Ugh i need to barf.

I didn't want to be the one to bring this up. But her Mom seems like an enabler.

It's just sad.

But they don't hate her for that reason though. They hate her for shit like killing her rapist, telling Bill or Eric to fuck off. Or when she was trying to kill herself because she was turned against her wish. I mean come on.

This is getting weirder and weirder.

Sometime is hard to not say something, they make my blood boil.

Fans of that show are horrible. Like people who ship Tara with That Francklin rapist who raped her and try to turn her against her will. Some are even mad at her for trying to kill him.

I'm quite sure he is talking about the movie he is producing and Anna Paquin is directing based on The Pink Hotel.

I don't see what's the big deal is when it comes to divorce. Maybe because i was raised until my Teen by my grandmother a very happy divorcé. She came from a culture where divorce is taboo. she thought me that people don't divorce because it's the easier way out. They are unhappy and see the danger coming and are

And this two have been together for 7, so maybe wait until you are there to judge them.

This, i can't believe this is a Feminist site, where women choices should always be the priority.

The shaming of people who divorced is just another way for people to have the I'm so much better than you crap talk.

Yes because is so much better to have parents who are unhappy being together stay together and build some resentment for each other. It's so much better for the kind to grow up in an hostile environment,where parents can't stand each other.

they were together 4 years before getting married. Can people stop acting like they got married after 2months or a ridiculous short time period ?

I can recommend you a documentary called Alex's wedding it sums up that sad situation nicely.

Then ask your government to make laws that provide better wealth redistribution.