
Good for them. I just hope it's protected sex.

She said her time, not yours, why are you so offended by that. not everyone is going to like the same thing as you.

That doesn't mean shit, Gravity was one of the worst movie i saw last year ant it has been winning awards left and right.

The defense is really making me sad and loose faith in human being.

No I'm officially drunk

The first thing that pop in my head was the book Mice and Men and then Zoro played by mice. And no i haven't smoked yet and i'm not drunk, at least not yet.

We are just so fuck up by our society expectations. Oh well, we're all doomed.

It's a law. that thing everyone have to abide by.

This is so cute. Where is it from?

I guess this story is to close to home for me.

Oh no, you do what the fuck you want with your compensation. Once the Insurance is part of your compensation, the company shouldn't have a fuck to say about how you use it.

A PERK is a form of compensation. That's why if your company pay for your rent or your car , they become part of your incomes.

It was more like, a let make fun of Bruno Mars for being short article.

The Employee fucking pay for their healthcare. So they should be using it as their wish. That's their fucking right.

Then what was purpose?

Then why don't we post pictures about how photo angle makes let Rebel Wilson looks wider when she stands next to someone skinny?


Of course not. We wouldn't have an article written so people could make fun of how short Kelly is.

I have noticed that this place love to be mean spirited when the person isn't fat. But as soon as the person is fat, it becomes mean to make fan of their appearance. But everyone in between is fair game. Fuck that noise.

This is photoshopped and even if it was real so what?