Damon Ferrara

Also what I want to know. Even in these comments, I have honestly no idea if the people arguing in favor of this are Black. If a lot of Black people actually were offended by this, then I agree there’s a problem that needs some kind of solution, but this seems like Netflix’s PR department getting overly cautious.

It’s not a joke, but it’s also gratuitous and never comes up again. Arguably, it’s a valid thing to note about the character in question, but it certainly made me a lot more uncomfortable than Community’s scene did (though I’m white).

I’d thought someone took the suicide references the wrong way.

Switching Chang’s makeup to blue actually seems like a doable CGI solution to this. Even the hate crime line would still kind of work as a stupefied reaction, but there wouldn’t be any blackface.

But was this episode pulled because Black people were offended by it, or because of Netflix’s likely white PR department? Because if white people at Netflix pulled the episode unprompted, then isn’t pulling it already a case of white people telling Black people what they should be offended over? This episode doesn’t

I understand the logic there, but these episodes were also pulled by Netflix, possibly acting at the request of Black employees, but equally possibly acting because a white PR employee decided better safe than sorry. I’ve looked and haven’t found so much as a Change.org petition asking for this episode to be pulled.

She’s deeply Christian and he’s crazy, so neither were going to have condoms, and it was a spur-of-moment decision based upon a shared emotional connection and the belief that they were both about to die (which also makes safe sex a bit irrelevant). Then her memory’s wiped by the military. Drinking isn’t referenced

I think this would be pretty compatible with a season ending cliffhanger, and since they have spent so much time on police corruption, it would only need a few episodes to set up. Unless the season had already fully filmed before the coronavirus, I think they could fit it in. This way, the show can continue without

Honestly, I think it’s the timing more than anything else. Speaking as a white person, we’re currently trapped indoors worried we’ll die from a horrific disease because the government has proven itself completely incompetent. We’re facing consequences for our political choices when we’re used to treating politics as a

Definitely, it sounds like firing them was mostly for the Kasdans’ ego over their script changes, and improvisational comedy is exactly what that film needed.

I think Star Wars in general has a problem with overly evil actions. The Dark Side is so obviously evil that it’s not totally clear how to let characters cross into it in a nuanced way. It worked in the originals because the only character who crossed between the Dark Side and the Light was Vader, and that was an

Responding in 2020 to say that somebody down the thread is about to spoil what happens, in case anyone else is reading these comments as they watch the show for the first time.

Yeah, there could have been a lot of major improvements with a coherent plan. TLJ Luke worked for me (he did act impulsively throughout the originals, so I’ll give him one moment after seeing a horrific possible future that undid everything they’d accomplished), but I don’t understand what Abrams was even trying to

I can see that. I loved The Last Jedi, especially in comparison to the other Disney Star Wars films, but it is an overly complicated story considering the status quo doesn’t really change. The Force Awakens didn’t involve Luke, give any reason to care about Snoke, or make the scale of the Resistance clear.

I also wanted that. Before I’d seen The Last Jedi, so many people had told me how subversive it was that I was actually disappointed at how standard the ending was (though I really liked the film overall.) And since you reminded me of him, Hux was another character who could have fleshed out the third one’s villains

I think turning Rey to the dark side would have been the best bet for a cohesive trilogy. Let her go evil halfway through the third one, and then give her a redeeming death at the end while Kylo goes out a true villain. Heading into a final battle where both the force users are on one side and normal people are on the

Maeve, Bernard, now Caleb, and formerly Teddy. The first two are essentially “the heroes,” while, for the latter two, it’s more of a “get out while you still can” thing. And I think William will become a hero again before the show is over.

I’m about 90% sure that’s exactly where this is going.

I understood that Maeve’s programming was part of Ford’s arc for the host revolution. She was supposed to go and do basically what Dolores is doing now.

Wait, when did we decide to snark on this one? The Creed movies are good!