Damon Ferrara

He was proving a point to Luke. Believing that the temple was burning gave Luke the peace of mind about his guilt and fear to actually go be useful and save the Resistance.

I think you can reasonably assume when we say we enjoyed a movie, found it refreshing, and think it’s the best since the original trilogy, that we think it’s a good movie. You may dislike the movie but people have different tastes. There’s no such thing as an “objectively” bad movie and if there was, The Last Jedi

Yeah, but the prequels also showed hundreds of Jedi with no connection to the Skywalkers. Heck, the original Star Wars movie never suggests there’s anything special about the Skywalkers aside from Luke’s father having been a particularly good one. Obi-Wan and the Emperor also have nothing to do with the Skywalkers. I

They kiss for good luck before swinging across the gap in the original.

I’d agree about The Last Jedi, but I hope Rian Johnson keeps making original films or Knives Out sequels. He deserves better than the Star Wars fan base.

Dowd’s consistently liked the film. It mentions on the A.V. Club’s worst-of-the-year recap that it was made by a vote by all the writers, some of whom loved Joker but enough of whom hated it for it to appear on the list. That list reflected the opinions of different people.

Honestly, I think you might be better off having a strict selection criteria, like “only films screened on so-and-so many screens in US theaters between the dates of this and that qualify.” That way, there isn’t an infinite amount of options to choose from, so nobody can object that you didn’t include some obscure

This was being said decades later by people who’d never met actual Mandalorians before, though.

Or mythical dinosaur, to go the more obvious route.

The original version of the EU had them as Mandalorians, while The Clone Wars changed this. But The Clone Wars never has them onscreen, one character just mentions that, so unless they’ve made a further ruling on it in the new Disney canon, they’d have the space to backtrack without much retconning and make them

I think Joel was far more concerned about his inferiority to his wife than Midge ever was. I recall him even more or less saying that around last season’s Paris episode. Being out of their relationship makes it easier for him to play the supportive husband, because the pressure’s off.

I’m not saying Game of Thrones fans are perfect, but look how Star Wars fans reacted to the prequels/The Force Awakens/The Last Jedi. Some people have been obnoxious to Benioff and Weiss and some people have had their conspiracy theories and trollish petitions, but most of the Game of Thrones backlash has been actual

People in cults predicting the end of the world often report their belief has only strengthened after the day has come and gone. Same principle here. Too much visible effort has been placed into saying it must be good, so they’d force themselves to believe it’s good to avoid the perceived humiliation of being wrong.

Yeah, I really liked The Last Jedi personally, but this isn’t an ideal sequel trilogy. The Force Awakens followed the original film so closely that Johnson basically had to either remake ESB or swerve randomly. And you had other things Johnson was stuck with too: Han was never going to hang out with Luke again and

I got that you were being sarcastic, but I did have a tiny bit of doubt. Unfortunately, the internet has just gone that over the top that it’s hard to tell these days.


I think Chidi’s going to have to sacrifice himself to implement whatever new system gets developed. So Eleanor has to give him up forever for the greater good while he has to make a decisive choice.

The Killers released an original Christmas song annually for 10 or 12 years. They were never the band’s best songs, but some were still very good.

“[It] doesn’t sound like there’s proof that the hack was real.”

It’s not silly if they’d already stretched their budget to the breaking point.