
The McDaniel’s taking the job before declining the job was either him paying the ultimate compliment to his mentor, who did the same thing to the Jets back in 2000, or it was a planned trolling by Belichick of the team that started the whole Ballghazi thing.

[Colts hang up “2018 WYTS Finalist” banner in Lucas Oil Stadium]

Ben McAdoo looks like the guy who watches his ex-wife’s kids while she out on a date with Jeff Fisher.

Reduced extreme poverty by over 50% worldwide in 20 years.

Fed us, clothed us, entertained us...just to start. 

Well, taken most of the world out of poverty for starters, and created a middle class that never existed before. Yes , it is not perfect, but definitely better than millions dying from communism.

Wow, in one fell swoop, and few bad tweets, the wife took out her husband and her father-in-law’s lucrative career. That should make for a heck of a Christmas dinner.

And that settles all the "my dad can beat your dad" arguments.

LeBron’s just like us, wearing the free shirt he got from a work trip.

To be honest it is the person driving the slowest that causes the most accidents and causes the loss of time because they aren’t in a hurry and won’t get over for the faster moving vehicle coming up on them. This means a faster moving vehicle has to make corrections and when they can’t mashes the breaks which causes

You must be from the west coast if you think 4.28 minutes isn’t totally worth it. Here in the timely East, time is money, and 4.28 minutes is 5 minutes late.

Speeding, for the person perfectly capable of keeping a vehicle pointed straight on a wide open road.

That's not a good hot take. At all. 

I would like to go on the record that I would have no problem dating a porn star.

You ever been to Pornhub?  Wth all those ads, plenty of sponsorship opportunity there. 

Makes sense: nothing says “family values” like brutal violence, repetitive head trauma, and domestic abuse.

The guys in your league sound boorish and terrible. But on the aggregate, women do have lower cardiovascular performance than men under most circumstances (given same training level). Obviously a rec league is a different story because you run into such a huge range of fitness and ability levels. At the pointy end of

Ah yes, the classic “I’m not rich or powerful so anyone who is must be a terrible person” take.

It’s a little one hitter pipe, but if you put it in an old NGK box, who’s gonna know? Gave them to my close friends. 

Hence the continuing success of the Mazda 5.