
Her entire post - even the snarky part - is based on such a fundamental error I’m surprised it hasn’t been retracted, let alone corrected.

Wow, you mean to say that a used luxury car is cheaper than a new one? Holy shit!

You know the are on completely different platforms, right? If you used Golf instead of Jetta it would actually make sense.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the price of food going up has nothing to do with Monsanto, ADM... It is driven by government regulation, and it will only continue to climb as FSMA really gets rolling. I have had to add 10% to my staff just to keep up with new FSMA regulations.

When does Deadspin rip Colangelo for trading up to take Fultz? Oh wait, it’s because his last name isn’t Hinkie.

I didn’t want the game, but the Cavs won by 18 points.

Definitely something unique to BMW and not literally the whole industry.

How is Hughie Hooker not higher on the list? It should be at least number 2

As a married man that still has sex 5-7 times a week after 10+ years of marriage, I see this from an outside observer point of view, and it is apparent that the incel folks are right and wrong at the same time. They are absolutely right that women in Western society control who gets sex, when they get it and how much

Do your part and buy new and don’t complain about something you are a reason for.

Seven Canadian or US dollars?

Who else just learned that Perk was on an NBA roster?

Eh, it’s 2018, time to get over the big wheel hate. Range Rovers come with 22s and they’re much more capable than most SUVs.

Fascinating. So to get this straight. Car has CEL light on, missing trim pieces. insides may or may not be covered in grease/oil and you are worried about carpet mats?

Asking people to take their shoes to get in/drive your car is an insane and ridiculous request.

Shoot I have a hard time keeping my foot out of my ecoboost F150. I did manage to get 24.1 MPG on a 270'ish mile trip over the weekend.

And those road tests were correct. MB’s manuals have never been very good. Furthermore, wishing for one in this car ignores the reality that a clutch pedal in a 600 horsepower, 4200#, turbocharged, awd luxobarge is about as useful as tits on a boar hog. About as enjoyable, too.

How long will it take to depreciate until anyone reading this will think about buying it, but then take a pass because of inevitably expensive maintenance and/or repair or general lack of 3 pedals, all the while lamenting the lack of any good performance-centric wagons in the world?

Maybe they could rename it...

Yes! I’ll want to buy one of your cars! Not new of course, used, about 5 years old.