
It also involves her and her day in court. Either way thus traumatic event has been brought up dozens of times in the past 30 years so she has every right to address it, whether it hurts her or not. Its not for you to decide what someone chooses to do with their life, especially if you haven’t gone through what she

Zero value in producing a show like this. Money grab and sensationalism at the expense of those still grappling with trauma. So glad he met his end in prison.

The Victims Family usually watches said documentaries to see if it was accurate or not. In the case of Mr. Dalmer’s victims, many of their families were accused of abandoning them, the very reason that they were homeless teenage male prostitutes. In some cases the families had disowned their sons who were not old

and you get your intellectual and emotional authority from where? watching it or not is their business and they obviously have their reasons. you don’t have to understand and it’s ridiculous for you to question their decision. you couldn’t possibly relate to their circumstance.

Lanez has a severe case of SSS - short shit syndrome - and needs to be deported from the planet.

I guess it's only self-defense if you're white and use a gun.

Was gonna say basically this. I get that her saying “[b]ut it doesn’t take away from the fact that a crime was committed[,]” is part of saving herself, but it's fucked she has to go on record to say this. To my eyes, no crime was committed here.

“Of course she should be allowed to use lethal force to protect herself when multiple crimes are being committed against her. Fear of imminent danger is absolutely a valid reason to defend yourself. Wait, what’s that? Oh, she’s the black one in this situation? Oh, no, fuck that then, throw the book at her.”

You know, you are undoubtedly allowed to kill someone when you have a reasonable fear that you are in imminent danger of severe harm or death from that person. I would think anything that purports to be a “justice” system would take seriously the possibility that a child who had just repeatedly been sexually assaulted

Who is this judge and how can he lose his job the fastest?

My stomach is in knots.

What in the holy fuck

My initial reaction isn’t a nice one. This basic bitch should have known all this before it happened to her. It shouldn’t be necessary for it to happen to her. On the other hand, maybe this basic bitch going on TV is exactly what’s needed to change the minds of people like her?

Indian Twitter coming hot too.

The woman lost multiple family members in the British-backed Nigerian genocide and had to flee the country with her parents as a child. This is less “Look at me” and much more “Look at what Elizabeth Windsor’s reign is responsible for.”

“Not a bit of good. I’d put a stake through her heart and garlic around her neck to make sure she never comes back.”

Now playing

When Trump dies I plan to take a page from the book of this woman reacting to the death of Thatcher:

This is absolutely insane. The republicans have conveniently forgotten the very definition of a republic is to shun monarchs. Anything for a chance to shit on some brown/black people.

Fuck em.

I'll celebrate her death on principle. Down with monarchs. And death to monarchys.