
I swear that is my old Berlina. I shit you not. The bad rattle can two tone paint w/ the Kamm tail painted black. The uppers of the rear seat are missing. The headlights were always iffy and the wipers never worked. Springs had been cut. All and all it was a glorious disaster. 

As a rider these are nice. No flapping straps. I've had one for the past 4 years. This is the second iteration of their "No Drag Bag".

Love these little guys. I found a large group of them on a dandelion on my lawn a couple years back.

Brood and honey are kept separate on the drawn comb. Brood in the cell that has varroa with it still hatches and the honey bee goes about its life normally. Varroa does not kill the brood in the cell. If varroa killed the brood it would also die. Varroa is a problem because it's a vector for other diseases. Now

Honey bees are specifically selected for this behavior. If you ever see the term "hygenics" in reference to queens, it means the breeder has selected the stock to have this behavior. They will open and remove any brood in a cell that has a varroa mite in it. Not all honey bees do this.

If the statue was of David, would there be a smiley face over his pecker? We are now censoring works of art?

Good lord, my mom had one of these things in the mid-80s. It was a gutless crap box. She took it through the car wash so many times that it developed two skunk stripes where the clear coat had been rubbed off.

This guy belongs to our Portland Urban Beekeeper group. Prior to this he built a small device that records the sounds of the bees hum in order to help determine when they will swarm. Early testing show it as being fairly accurate.

Looks like it was rendered in Corel circa 1997.

Nice hair-clip.

I have the same one. It works.

Monsanto isn't helping but it's not the primary cause. See my post above.

Any research or article that claims to have found a single cause of CCD is to be looked at with skepticism.

Oh geeze...the dreaded Dim Mak. It's right up there with the "No Touch Knockout" clowns. Dim Mak is shrouded in mystery because it doesn't work regardless of what Frank Dux and that twit Ashida Kim say.

I prefer Mag-Safe. Stops anything dead.

I don't have much to add other than I've been almost mashed many times on my Duc. Does it piss me off? Hell yes. Do I need to stay calm and let it go knowing that I'm still alive? Yup.


How is it obsolete? You are talking about modifications to existing tech, not obsolescence. The screwdriver is still a screwdriver; handle, metal shaft with tip.

Or Overeem. Horse meat!

Has nothing to do with MMA. That guy is just a meat-head dickweed douchebag no matter what he's into.