
I'm typing this on my new iPad that I've had since the release date. I am not experiencing connectivity/speed issues nor is it overheating. Seems to be charging just fine as well. On the other hand I bought an AirPort Express that did nothing but b0rk my network (it's being returned).

Thank you! Finally a good article about honeybees on Gawker.

Growing up we had a black Renault Alliance. I thought it was pretty cool, sort of had a Euro-gangster look. It was woefully underpowered and probably some sort of death trap.

French Press is gross. Just use a old school Italian stove top maker. Makes a killer cuppa and is pretty much idiot proof.

I...uh...am at a loss for words. It's both glorious and horrific as the same time. I say, "Nice Crack Pipe"?

Just saw this. Yeah, I'm slow on the draw. Contact me through my web site: www.beelocal.com

I didn't know Dave Navarro was in Game of Thrones.

True. Honeybees go nutso for lavender. They also really like thyme. I'm not sure why they like it so much. I know that you can add thyme extract to feed (simple syrup) to stimulate feeding.

That's a joke right? Personally I prefer oversteer to understeer.

Nice to see a fellow Beek here. Yup, you are right. This person knows jack about keeping bees and just designed some useless pretty thing.

I guess I'll weigh in as I am an active beekeeper. This thing looks pretty but it's a complete bee fail. It was obviously designed by someone who knows nothing about keeping honeybees. Pull a chord to calm the bees then collect your honey? Uh...no, it's not that simple my friends.