
Fresh beer will very rarely be skunked. Older beer is more subject. I don’t tend to purchase bottled beer that could be sitting and getting old. All my skunked beer stories are about beer left outside forgotten and then wrongly assumed would be fine.

“Skunked” beer aside, I have rarely tasted enough difference between the can and bottle to warrant me wanting to swap out. I usually just go with what is on sale/cheapest if they are offered in both options.

Quite frankly, I hate feeling like a game is wasting my time.. If they game involves a lot of instant death, trial and error, or things that just don’t work well or are not explained well. I start to feel like the game is wasting my time. Now that being said.. if the game has amazing game play, or an out of this world

Me thinks someone is trying to get some of that venison on the down low.. or they will demand he serve tofu.. Only one of those things will not end with them being quickly booted.. but both will involve laughter.

Wishful thinking really. The place I use to run was a well known establishment that was owned by a retired Leo and his ex prosecutor buddy. When I had to call, even when I had to call on a current leo, no questions were ever asked, no one was allowed to “Talk their way out of it” they were cuffed, asked to be quite

No its amazing how fast I will call the cops to get you escorted out and then not allow you back in without them being called back with a trespassing charge.. And back when I use to run a bar I had to do that several times, unfortunately. But to each their own.

Well, the problem isn’t that you are asked.. It’s that whole give an inch take a mile issue. There is a subset of the population that, when they figure out that someone will mess with the volume, will insist it be messed with further to their preference.. and then there are the “Hey I was *expletive* listening to

The people there are too old and slow, and the servers are too young and fast. I have seen a poor old guy try to flag down a waitress for nearly 15 minutes in that place before.. I didn’t help him.. but.. that’s my sin.

So... the characters you get to choose from are..

I don’t mind if if the live music is good.. but when its loud.. and bad karaoke.. then we have a problem.

I feel you there oh letter writer. But as someone that was once in control of the volume knob.. Sometimes you just have to set it to where the staff is all comfortable, and where you get as few complaints as possible.. and when people ask for it to go up, down or ect, you just say, “oh.. I’m so sorry.. I don’t know

I’ll wrap this up for you pretty neatly. Unions have a bad habit of killing companies and their profitability. Elon Musk knows this and doesn’t want his company saddled with a ton of baggage that does no good for his company and dose very little good for his employees save exploit them for money and political gain of

Yea... If this is representative of the quality of work he presented to Marvel.. I’m glad they canceled on him.. I had very high hopes for this project too. I like Glover’s work.. but this all kind of misses the mark.

NO NOT THE BE... wait.. its miller.. ok. I’m fine with that.

I’m waiting for a mix video of these deaths to the tune of turkey in the straw.


You clearly don’t have kids. If you are in any restaurant with the word “family” in their name /marketing, or any fast food place with a play area, you should reasonably expect to see kids there, as we parents that want to spend time with our kids will bring them with us. That being said, any place that provides cloth

I am all for using online data to catch criminals. If those criminals happen to be illegal migrants, so be it. Do it the right way, and you are welcome in my country with open arms. If I went to mexico illegally I would expect the same treatment. Though I fully agree with the folks that say immigration reform is

Amazing.. For anyone that has family that has neurological issues.. This is amazing news. I have felt so bad watching my wife suffer in some of those devices they have to hook her up to.

I’m a little out of date, as I have not worked in a bar in quite awhile, but our policy was that if the customer wanted their card back we would provide it if they gave us their drivers licence instead. If they refused both they were not allowed to open a tab. I think my boss had a few too many dine and dash