
Ghost Pennsatucky? What?

I needed Heather and Dan to get together at least a little bit. And I like the idea that Jack has taught the kids enough to pull off their own scheme, but I wanted to see more of the scheme. Basically, more of those kids is what I needed. They were the best.

I needed Heather and Dan to get together. I really did. And while I loved the idea that Jack had taught them enough to pull off a convoluted scheme of their own, I wanted to see more of that scheme. I guess not enough of the kids is my complaint in a nut shell. I hope this show gets renewed. If only so Dan and Heather

How is the greatest line in the history of tv not explicitly referenced in this review?

Is there a spin off in the works? I could see a Darkwing Duck reboot being truly spectacular.

Yeah! Brotherhood’s homonculi sucked. On that alone, original recipe won hands down. I liked giving the villains a more personal touch. 

They did set up Arya’s arc from day 1. In the first episode, she snuck up behind Bran and shot the target that he couldn’t hit. Sounds like she was a silent stealthy assassin from day 1 to me.

I can’t believe you liked it. I thought it was the worst episode of the show’s entire run by far. Dropped all the show’s crazy antics for one boring speech. Not ONE original song? How could that even happen? This show should’ve ended by cranking the crazy up to 11 and instead, it became a boring, muted show that

I thought the Selayan rum thing was dumb. She could've said "Ooby Doob Shuh Nunu" and it would've been clear from context that it was an alcoholic drink. 

Eight episodes in, and I admit I’m still not 100% clear on what it means to be NBC Brooklyn Nine-Nine versus FOX Brooklyn Nine-Nine, at least not as intimately as the actual series writers are.

So after Amy bailed him out of jail, be pretended to have a drug problem to fool the cops who planted the drugs on him? But those cops KNEW he didn’t really have a drug problem. Pretending to have a drug problem would be MORE suspicious! Clearly a terrible cop.

 I don't follow the last stray observation at all. Who's Mary Julie? What's the significance of summer time? 

I have one complaint: Lars and the Off Coloreds should’ve shown up early enough to participate in the fight. That little tag on ending wasn't enough for him so his arc feels incomplete. Otherwise, great episode. 

There was only one thing I didn’t like - I feel like Lars and the Off Colors should’ve shown up to help out along with Bismuth. Maybe getting them into the fight would’ve required another 10 minutes, but it would’ve been worth it. Having them just happen to show up on earth at the same time as Steven felt awkward to

Why does it have to fail? I'm not following your logic. 

Blows thick cotton? What? 

Didn’t the daughter's kid invent time travel? Wasn't that the final scene?

Was the girl in the final scene supposed to be a descendant of the woman they saved? I think it's a stronger scene if she was, but I didn't hear anything explicitly connect them. 

They better not kill off Asher. He's the most likable character on the show. I'm still sad he and Mikayla broke off. They were the cutest. 

What’sthe significance of asking "How's Annie?"?