
Are the reviews over? I was really enjoying them. 

Like the writers didn’t think of it?

So you're thinking they're in purgatory? Why was that asterisk never followed up on?

I thought the season was only okay. Biggest problem, by far, was Barb and Carol. Their conflict with each other was about what exactly? Not remembering who experienced a moderately amusing story? But they also worked together whenever they needed to kill somebody. Do we even know why Barb wanted to kill Frieda - she

They let people walk in and out of court while people are testifying. You’re confusing trials with plays.

What was the DNR tattoo joke? I remember the scene, but don't get how that's a joke. Does DNR mean something?

I’m watching it pretty slow so I haven’t seen the public defender yet, but that is good to hear. Yeah, Sandy was our one shining pop culture example and even he ditched the Office of Public Defense for corporate litigation by mid season 2. That stereotype actually is true - corporate litigators get paid way more than

You don’t think a public defender qualifies as “real representation?” Come on. Public defense isn’t a giant pile of D students. I graduated cum laude and so did many of my coworkers. I also recently turned down a job at a private defense firm because it was a pay cut. The salary was about the same, but the benefits

Are we ever gonna see Barry act well? Gene didn’t kick him out of class so he must’ve responded to the pump up speech pretty well - I wanna see that.

Wrong. This episode was great. I laughed a lot.

How were the tacos consistent? Were they referenced before? Or are you just referring to the crunch?

I think Michaela and Asher are one of the best parts of the show - they’re genuinely cute. Why do down?

That’s definitely why I focused on promissory note law (“commercial paper” to us experts) during law school and I assure you, my comments in the How to Get Away with Murder threads are the scathingest.

Escalate from throwing ice water on her to calling get Thundercunt? Uh...the ice water thing is a thousand times worse. Words can be hurtful for sure, but you’ve clearly never been doused in ice water. It’s awful.

Hey, from a legal standpoint, this episode was not unrealistic. Because none of it took place in a courtroom. No, this time you need to avoid your friends in medical school.

Anyone else wondering how the new theme song is going to somehow be spoken at a key emotional moment?

Oh yeah? Well, loser says anything else... Ha! Nailed it.

Well, you aren’t very good at whatever you’re not trying to not to do.

I think he’s Doofus Rick’s Morty. I think in their universe, things are just that backward.

Well, you’re not trying too hard enough.