
Guess you're right, I just never thought of getting a prescription from a dentist. Gladly I'd never had the need for it.

DAMN IT!!!! Nothing in LA... I thought this would be a great article considering I'm about to start building my own darkroom, but alas, no free tools around. Anyone wanna help out?

I've always thought we should do that, but then always bump into someone the says "13 months? That's unlucky!" Urgh....

Agreed, very unrealistic photo right there.

Thanks, I got it!

Where exactly do you put in your Costco number?

it has to be OTC because nobody would go every four days to the dentist.

essential |iˈsen sh əl|

Thanks! Hearted.

Agreed, it should be an option.

It may sound silly, but it's one of the reasons I haven't upgraded to Lion. Both iCal and Address Book look disgusting to me.

I get the following error:

Can I give you a star? Perhaps not, but I heart I can.

I feel weird that I've felt like crying since I heard the news. I didn't even know the man but I miss him. I'm sad by the idea of not having him around anymore, of not having him deliver the keynotes, of him not changing the world anymore. (I'm not the depressive type, but I'm genuinely sad)

I want my Gotham back!

Brilliant!!!! On to find a hi-res version.

Hehehe, Tom Anderson! Made me grin.

They let the rabbit fucking die? What the fuck? These people don't deserve to be alive!

Dude, you're doing it wrong. Apple mail can sort by:

You mean you don't know how to do it on a Mac, cus I just swapped my MacBook Pro's hard drive last week in under 15 minutes with just a screwdriver set.