
Also, don't underestimate older people. I know a guy who is 66 and won a national competition (without age classes) in which he had to do a series of pull-ups, push-ups and crunches until you couldn't go anymore. I can barely do 5 pull-ups when he does 20 without breaking a sweat and seems to put no effort into it.

Tried to promote you but it wouldn't let me so I'll repost your LOL-making image here:

Plankers go to heaven?

@petebocken: The Mac version works amazingly well. As does the iOS version.

Hahahaha!!! I'm being sarcastic to the previous commenter who wants to actually build it; but I guess some people just don't get sarcasm.

YES!!! Just went from 10.25 GB to 18.25 GB by adding the .edu email (used my little brother's account as he's still in college).

Brave men... one of the greatest: Robert Capa

@GOD: Love how you assume everyone has photoshop!

@Norbs: not using it!

And my brother is one of them! Just graduated a couple of months ago. (So proud)

I think this was available for jailbreakers a while back. If memory serves me right it was called "Lucy Call" or "Lucy Wait" or something like that. And to be honest, it didn't work all that well.

Yep, but I should've known the answer.

I feel like an idiot now...

This may be a stupid question, but... they're holding him through bare skin, shouldn't the electricity run through to them as well?

@pmbaustin: So you see surfboards flip on their long axis on a daily basis without their riders falling off?

But there's either a problem with it not being updated as fast, or my cache being stuck on old articles, or I don't know what. But I too dislike the new layout EXTREMELY.

Who says the max is 8GB? I'm up to 10.25 GB so far.