
@Gonzie: Technology can be improved. It is not the clarity of the screen that's the matter but the reflective characteristic of it. The technology can be improved to either make the surface less reflective, or make the scanned work around this reflection, or both!

@Gonzie: Yeah, but when you have a hundred+ people in line behind you pushing you to get it, it isn't always the most practical thing.

@Gonzie: I've tried that—- doesn't always work, hence why I take a backup print.

@daiv.boveri: If I need to print my concert ticket I sure as hell won't carry an iPad around.

Not too shabby...

@Curves: They all kinda look like dudes...

I just hate that most of these are games. There should be sections for applications and games separately.

the actual classmates link

@DocHobo: 2 minutes and a great disappointment!

So... what the hell happened here? Was I the only one expecting to actually hear the music come out and was totally disappointed in the end? I can't be...

Hahahaha!!! That was beautiful! And even though it's probably fake, I wish I could see it in high-def!

@therealest: Anything is more exciting than that.

@halfbaked: I actually stream through my blu-ray player to the TV and the quality is mostly in Hi-Def. As a matter of fact, I think I've used the Blu-Ray's disc tray only once, but use the player everyday for streaming Netflix and I love it.

@ps61318: Hence why I say random people, not specialized ones. Got to a mall and ask the people walking around. Talk to the average person. Of course there are people who know, as I said I'm an engineer and I know, but I'm willing to bet more than half of the US can't tell you that.

@posts: To Post and All others commenting. As an engineer who studied in the states, I know it is more widely used in all sciences. But my point is in regular life. Just ask any random person "how many ounces in a gallon?" and most likely they'll have no clue. But a system based on 10's is much simpler. Anyone should

I would first like to see Americans use the kilogram in their day to day basis. The metric system is so much more practical.